Video Site Hosting?


I'm setting up a new tube/video site and need server.
Which of the servers needs to be powerful? Any info on hosting solutions?
Reliable? Other options?
Well, lived up to the task so far in reliability and probably the best customer service I've had - no headaches whatsoever in helping me get set up. I have already switched to their green hosting accounts and everything works perfect. I highly recommend them.
There is no denying the fact that web hosting is a good and better than the best, according to me.
It is great web hosting provider with good pricing and unique features! Best technical support I have ever had.

Very reasonable monthly charge also.
Personal website hosting is a booming business. People everywhere are building websites to post precious wedding pictures, baby pictures, family video clips, party invitations, personal blogs and more. You don't need to be an expert to pull this of either.