Traveling on an airplane


New member
Have you ever travel on an airplane ?
I haven't. What about your experience ? Where did you traveled ?
I was 13 and going to live with my elder brother in the INDIA by plan & than travell through train(western railway time table ).
I was so happy that my day I had dreamt of for so long had arrived.

My flight was for 10pm but I was ready to go by 12

I ironed my Prized Nike Tshirt(With Just Do It Boldy Printed) and my combat trousers. I washed and vaseline-polished my Nike Hi-tops.

I was ready.

Anyhow sha, when I got on the plane I found that my seat was between two morbidly obese women....One had strong B.O. and the other one had such a strong mouth odour...
Through out the night, the one with the Mouth Odour insisted on telling me her life story because 'it was my first time'. The other smelly one fell asleep but was FARTING in her sleep!

It was such a cacophony of smells...When the plane landed I literally raced to the exit for fresh air...visit: