software for web desiging?


New member
which software is useful for web designing and how we get this s/w plz share the some link where we easily get this s/w free.:disturbed:
My friend was using Adobe Muse for a while and he loved it! Personally though I don't bother designing any more. I found I wasted too much time designing and I would run out of steam and not add enough content. Now I just get a Wordpress theme and I'm away!
GIMP is free, and a good alternative to Photoshop. You can easily draw or construct a design through GIMP because most of the features on GIMP is on Photoshop as well. GIMP is missing a few features, but it sure beats paying a couple of hundred dollars for Photoshop.
My friend was using Adobe Muse for a while and he loved it! Personally though I don't bother designing any more. I found I wasted too much time designing and I would run out of steam and not add enough content. Now I just get a Wordpress theme and I'm away!

What is Adobe Muse? Is that another version of Photoshop? How is it different?
Well, I use Dreamweaver and Fireworks for web designing. Although I do have others(photoshop, notepad++ etc). But, I prefer the code interface of dreamweaver to its WYSIWYG GUI because I can design however I want, and it helps reduce bulkiness of codes.

I would rather you use dreamweaver if you can get it because it helps you to understand CSS more. And no matter what interface(coding or drag and drop) you would be using, there are aids provided already to make designing simple. But, if you don't want to pay, I think Notepad++ is ok.

For graphics IMHO fireworks is ok for its simplicity of use. Although you can consider Photoshop or GIMP if you don't have money to spare.
I use GIMP, Sublime 3, and WebMatrix (depending on the language i'm coding in). All of them are relatively free, but they take some time to use.
There is a really cool product that Adobe has come out with, which is in a preview release currently called Adobe Edge Code. It's I guess supposed to be an open source HTML/CSS editor. You can download it if you have a Creative Cloud account. I have an account, but I'm not currently paying for any subscriptions and I was still able to download it. You can read more about it here:

HTML & CSS editor | Edge Code CC (Preview) | Edge Tools & Services | Adobe & HTML