Social Networking websites: good or bad?

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In today's world, people of all ages using social networking websites like facebook, twitter, google plus etc as a media of social interaction. There's no doubt that these websites makes it easy for us to communicate with thers, make new friends, get update news. Still because of these virtual social interaction, people sometimes dont feel to communicate or hang out in person. The question is what will be ultimate consequences of these?
I will say over rated. I think they are past their prime and are on the downswing. Just look at Facebook stock. Of course I am not a huge social media fan. Just was too much spam. But I think becoming isolated in these sites could possible a consequence. I know we have all read or met those people that can not go five minutes with out checking their FB page.

A contract hiring manager told me that they had a person check their Facebook page on a computer in the lobby while waiting to be called in for the interview.
LinkedIn has been an invaluable resource for me and my business. I love it. But it's not my sole source of networking. I still connect with people offline. I attend networking meetings.

The one downfall of social networking sites is that people share too much information. It's crazy. All that stuff can and probably will comeback to bite you. Also many of posts of Facebook are just weird. I don't need to see a picture of your dinner. I really don't care either.
Social networking sites are good as they are instant and cheaper ways to stay in touch with people from different parts of the country, even the world. In commerce, they have also become an inexpensive way to do marketing and reach out to customers from all over the world. The only downside is that its use seems to be replacing actual human interaction and not to mention the actual time spent in trying to maintain an account and keep it updated. The ideal thing to do is ensure that there is regulation in using these social networking sites and not to be in all of these sites.
Anything in excess is bad!
This is the only answer to this particular discussion. We have people who are trying to get into focus by posting various things on facebook, getting likes and everything.

Whereas, I know a group of people, who are using these sites as a medium to connect with the friends and family!
Social networking sites can be bad, like aditk1849 says, if overused. But so can ice cream. Anything can be dangerous if used too much, but using FB to connect to old friends, or using Twitter to stay up-to-date with employees is a good thing, because these things would be next to impossible without these forums.
Social media is an invaluable resource for the small business or up and coming business. It allows you to build a following and get your message out there for free. Yes it can be time consuming but that is better than paying money a new business doesnt have for advertising.
I think it's always up to the person, and it's not really about the medium. It's hard to say whether an invention is good or bad, especially when it contributes a lot to society's progress. It's a lot more practical to be personally responsible for our own social needs and to act on those needs accordingly. If you are in a healthy state of mind, then you won't need these things to fill a void in your heart and you can then use it more to your advantage rather than being crippled by it.
I stopped using social media on personal level and now only use them to promote my sites and articles, I just became jaded by the amount of rubbish that people put on their profiles, I don't care what you are eating, I don't care if you are throwing an attention-seeking tantrum and threatening to leave Facebook unless people like your status. :mad:
I think social networking sites are good or bad both. when you have to use in a leagle way then this is good for you if you are misusing of these sites it's bad for you. Social networking sites is a very nice way to communicate with your friends and sharing good things happens with you. Now days facebook, twitters, linked in..etc lots of sites are very famous.
Offline Social Networking is essential for any business to grow more.
I use Facebook to get connected with my online friends and have chat with them.
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