Should I use Plugins in my Wordpress website?

Yes, you can add plugins in your website even some plugins are really essential like Yoast SEO, Akismet, Blog Designer Pro, Avartan Slider etc.
Since WordPress relies on plugins, the open source software is vulnerable to malicious attacks, you know, those crooked people looking to destroy your data with malware. On the positive side, there are plugins to help you solve and prevent these issues.

Yes, i agree with this. Install 'W3 Cache' plugin to solve your issue to increase the loading speed of your site. And one more thing install the plugins only important ones which you need.
There are many useful plugins out there. The page loading is affected minimally by plugin. You can't do some certain website management without the help of plugins. WordPress is a open source platform and your WordPress site will become more powerful after installing the popular plugins.
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