Server host that can grow with my site?


I'm launching a WordPress site next month that I believe will grow faster than expected. I'm not sure what's the best choice for hosting. I currently have a VPS host (who I really like as a host - they're local with killer support) and I'm not sure if that's the best route or not. My current VPS (12gb ram) has multiple failures a day with automatic restarts. It's hosting a one multisite install (with 3 active subsites, 4-5 inactive subsites and less than 100 visitors a day total on average), a second site with 60-70 visitors a day and 2 other sites that are lucky to get one visitor a day. The failures have me concerned that 1 site 300-500 members and 1000 hits a day will need a lot more resource-wise than what I have now. I don't think that there's that huge a load on it (though maybe the multisite is a resource hog?). So I'm really not sure which way to go - and perhaps it's because I don't understand hosting that well. A distributed grid sounds cool, but does it work in practice? Is eventually getting a dedicated server unavoidable? What the hell do sites that have a lot of members and traffic do?

What can you say about for rent hosting? Any reviews? Other hosts?
All advice will be appreciated - I'm planning on launching my site, I need to get this squared away ASAP. Thanks!
Good speed, reliable, I have nothing to complain about. Features are best I could find - lost of space, unlimited subdomains, emails, databases .. pleasure to use. I host only one of clients websites at private vps USA and I wish I could host all of them.
I've always been frustrated by hosting in the past. Not with dedicated servers - ISPmanager Lite for free.
The bare metal server comes with 100Mbps public and private network uplinks, and you have the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade that connection based on your workloads.
Try narrowing your list of options by looking at the cheapest web host package that can meet your needs at the same time. Do not compromise what had been planned about for the web site just to meet the level of what can just be offered with the cheap web hosting package.
Quality customer support ties in closely with reliability and is something that should never be overlooked.
All I can say that I am fully-satisfied using hosting service. I'm really happy with their support, they reply support queries very instantly.
Phenomenal Customer Service! Their customer support is far superior than others (what I been advised by others, who use other providers).

Pricing is also, good enough.