SEO black hat and white hat?

I always prefer white hat SEO technique because its improve the search engine rankings of webpages while not following the webmasters guidelines and other best practices are termed as Black Hat SEO techniques or unethical SEO practices.
Hello Dear,

Black Hat SEO is Spamming Technique Like:
- Keyword Stuffing
- Spam Link
- Hide Content

- It's Direct Effect to Search Engine.
- Short term Process

White Hat SEO is Organic SEO technique Like:

- Use Unique and Fresh Content
- High Density Keyword Use
- Inbound Linking
- Optimization for your Website for Google Latest algorithm policy
- Link Building

I Personally Suggest White HAT SEO is Good for Ranking.

Black hat SEO refers to techniques and strategies used to get higher search rankings, and breaking search engine rules. Black hat SEO focuses on only search engines and not so much a human audience. Black hat SEO is typically used by those who are looking for a quick return on their site, rather than a long-term investment on their site. Some techniques used in black hat SEO include: keyword stuffing, link farming, hidden texts and links, and blog content spamming. Consequences of black hat SEO can possibly result in your site being banned from a search engine and de-indexed as a penalization for using unethical techniques.

White hat SEO refers to the use of techniques and strategies that target a human audience opposed to a search engine. Techniques that are typically used in white hat SEO include using keywords, and keyword analysis, doing research, rewriting meta tags in order for them to be more relevant, backlinking, link building as well as writing content for human readers. Those who use white hat SEO expect to make a long-term investment on their website, as the results last a long time.
Black hat SEO represents a set of methods that are used to improves a site or page's position in google through means that breach the look for engines' conditions and conditions.