Recommend me best web hosting?


New member
Recommend me best web hosting my requirements are: wordpress site
- Needed at least 100 gb ssd space
- Ram should be 2-4gb
- Monthly price should be under 25$
What are your views on VPS hosting solutions?
Any reviews? What host is better from your views?
This experience has been great. is one of the best hosts I've had the chance to test.
The pricing is very good, especially for what you buy for it. As for the pricing, it is reasonable.
I moved my personal site to and was so impressed with their service I ended up moving all my sites with the exception of one (it will be moved next week) to them. Site is extremely fast to load and has had almost perfect uptime. Reliable uptime, and decent customer support!
Decent hosting plans are available from and
Their servers are fast, modern, up to date, feature-packed and as I said above, 100% reliable.
As an alternative, try cheap vps Slovakia. Use the VPSPROFVDS promo code 15% discount for all vps servers.
The host offers ipv4+ipv6/64 subnet with all servers, 25 mail port open and rnds configuration in end user panel.
Take a look at vps. From my experience with them, I can honestly and easily recommend them as the host for your web site and email service. Problems are extremely rare, invariably not of their doing and have always been resolved with unbelievable swiftness and efficiency.