For doing SEO there are lots of tools available that you used for doing website analyziz, doing on page task and many other things. Personally I used few tools for doing my SEO work. These tools are SEO quake, seositecheckup and All this sites/tools had great features or collection to various tools that helps you to do seo.
There are lots of SEO tools that can be used to do proper SEO. Few of them are highly used to analyze the overall performance of a website. They are Smallseotools,, copyscape, SEOptimer, ahref, serpbook, w3cvalidator, MOZ etc. These tools are widely used as per its requirement to check the websites performance and to check its ranking in different search engines consistently.
Aside from the sound advice you've got, I want to share another tool for the best of all here. MultiLoginApp, I've been using it for few months and it helped me a great deal because sometimes I had to use multiple accounts for my SEO strategies to work. You can find on the website: