Pinterest - The next wonder?


New member
Today I just saw the pinterest traffic stats. For my suprise its traffic is being increasing like hell!! I just don't understand how pinterest is able to grow at this pace. I don't even understand why people like pinterest. What makes pinterest stand out from rest of the sites? Would pinterest one day defeat facebook and google? Do you use Pinterest? I yes, Why?

Pinterest defeat Facebook? No, I doubt it. Pinterest is a visual medium. It's saying things with images instead of with words. I have used it from when it was still in beta and registration was only by invitation. Actually it's quite a lot of fun, just pinning any image that strikes your fancy. Nothing much to think about, like what words to use and how to arrange your words in an intelligible sequence. Click and your view, as expressed by your image, is up there to share with your friends.
I think Pinterest can not beat Facebook because it is a most popular & widely used Social Network.
I also use Pinterest to pin images that i like and also some product images to promote.