Online Social Networking or Offline Networking

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New member
Which do you prefer to do social networking online or offline? Which do you think is more effective? Have you ever had success on your business by doing social networking using the internet or the traditional one?
I use a combination of both. I work as a part time sales agent so I use the internet for lead generation. I still do attend some networking functions especially meetup groups.

Honestly, I am working to replace my offline income with purely online business. That will give me more flexibility to travel and really set my own hours.
I honestly believe it depends on your pockets and connections, if you have a large audience following you online, online may be better, however, Offline may be better at the same time, it all depends on your pockets, followers, advertising skills, and perspective on where certain advertisements should be placed.
No social life irl

I don't really have a social life in real life, so online social networking is all that I do. Basically I am not much of a society animal. I like to live my life my own way at my own pace so online social networking works fine for me. I go online when I want to and I go offline when I want to. With real life social networking, I would have to deal with people calling me on the phone or knocking on my door.
I don't really have a social life in real life, so online social networking is all that I do. Basically I am not much of a society animal. I like to live my life my own way at my own pace so online social networking works fine for me. I go online when I want to and I go offline when I want to. With real life social networking, I would have to deal with people calling me on the phone or knocking on my door.

Victor, I am the same way, however, instead of not being much of a "society animal", I am a very social individual, it's just really annoying when you get someone on the phone or from a walk-in whom you have to explain something 100 million times to. :eek:
From the business perspective, it also depends on what kind of marketing you do. If you are an offline marketer then it definitely makes sense to meet people face to face. Online marketing is a great way to find leads and customers but a lot of times it is worthwhile to network offline. I do both kinds of networking and I have to tell you that meeting people in real life is a lot more fun.
I think that incorporating both methods can lead to the success in a business. I've found that online social networking is very convenient. You can do it literally at any time of the day and from multiple locations. Online social networking is my favorite method because I find it fun and rewarding.
Definitely use a combination of both online and offline. It also really depends on what business or niche you are in. There are some that work better online, and then there are others that work best offline. Experiment and see what works best for'll figure it out fairly quickly.
Victor, I am the same way, however, instead of not being much of a "society animal", I am a very social individual, it's just really annoying when you get someone on the phone or from a walk-in whom you have to explain something 100 million times to. :eek:

Yes, I can still remember those days when my phone will ring at all kinds of hours. In the end I had to set a limit to the number of hours I am available on the phone. After a certain hour at night, I set my phone to only ring if people from a selected group calls. You know, people like family and very close friends. For the rest, I will check the missed calls the next morning. If there are any which I am interested in, I will call back. If I am not interested or the number is unknown to me, I will let them call me again.

Now, I only use the phone to call out because nobody calls in anymore. So offline networking is a non-starter for me. Anyway my work online has never involved anybody I know in real life so it's not a loss.
I prefer online, definitely. I think it's great that it's now a lot more possible to connect and communicate with people from halfway around the world without even having to leave your house. Admittedly, it's might be a little less safe to be dealing with people online since it's hard to figure out their background, but my take on that is that people have been scamming each other for centuries even without the internet so I think it's all pretty much the same. I just try to do as much due diligence as I can when dealing with people online since everything about them is put up here anyway.
I prefer networking face-face and online. I can do both because I'm not shy and I love communicating with other people. Remember, never flat out tell someone about your site, interact with them first and then give them the link to your site.
A social networking service is a platform to build social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections.

Best Regard
Vishal Chadha
Oh online marketing is so much more successful for me than offline marketing, there are just so many people who take more notice online and there are so many free ways to promote. If you want to promote offline then I'd suggest having some keyrings and pens made up as these are things people use a lot and don't tend to throw away once you are out of sight (which is what many do with flyers).
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