negative feedback


New member
This feature has been disabled but was very useful for bad buyers. Some people make successful bids and then don't bother paying or communicating. Negative feedback here would be useful but has been disabled. Do you think it should be re-activated?
I think that eBay is just full of scamming buyers. I remember that even when I would win disputes they would still leave negative feedback. Then I would have to fight with ebay to get them to remove the false feedback.
it doesn't happen all the time.buyer has to see the reviews which is been posted by the customers who have purchased from the seller. if the customers have left the negative reviews i think another customers should not buy from those sellers. because they are cheating to us. eBay is right in this way because eBay shows you all whoever are the buyers positive as well as negative factors. it does not mean that feedback will always be negative apart from eBay. it depends upon the trustworthiness of the seller as well as the product.
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