Need a reliable hosting for a website



I need a reliable hosting for my website (only one), storage 20GB - 50GB / bandwidth 10GB - 20GB should be enough.
Also, server in West Coast is better. Please recommend a few providers.
Do you know anything about cpanel web hosting solutions ? Can I trust them? Alternatives?
Thanks and best regards
Can recommend for those webmasters looking for professional and cheap web hosting service. Like their website builder.
All questions were answered and not just some of them. Pricing is still very reasonable in my opinion, the stability is excellent, and the support is responsive and helpful.
The most valuable negative reviews are the ones that portray both sides of the pictures because they are unlikely to be biased as they can see the good and the bad unlike the ones that are just really pissed at a particular host because they made one or two mistakes.
Never really had any problems with the server, we run a managed dedicated server with webhost and speeds have been great.
The support is outstanding and I don't think you can compare these guys to anyone else. They also provide a toll-free phone number, which is great for me!