Making Blog Private on Blogger


New member
What is the way of making and setting a Blog in private. I do not want any body to see my blog on . I want to set it up in such a way that only the people can see it once they enter the password. How can this be achieved. Once i make it password protected would i be able to open it to rest of the world again if i want to?
There is a privacy setting in Blogger that you can keep it from showing up in Blogger and search engines. It is under settings then basic. I have never made any of mine private but being it is a setting in your dashboard I would imagine you could change it again later.
Go to the basic settings of blogger to make your blog private. But I don't know much about password protection or something like that as I never made my blogs private. One thing is sure, your blog not get indexed in search engines when you make your blog private.
Can I ask why you would want to do this? Is it a way of gaining subscribers to a mailing list? I think showing a teaser of a post and then asking people to sign up to see the rest is a better idea.
This is very easy, simply follow my lead: Go to ''Setting'', scroll down until you see ''Permissions''. Once you are there you need to check ''blog readers'', all you have to do is click and a scroll down menu will show up. Over there you can decide who can read your blog; I picked ''only blog authors''. Once you do that you can rest assured that your blog is completely private :)