Looking for a good vps alternative


I'm helping a friend who currently has a vps account with a provider and his is having issues with slowness, and the server that he is on shows high usage. He is looking around for a new vps hosting account. He currently pays around $50 US a month for the following
- 100GB HDD
- 2250GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Domains, Subdomains, MySQL Databases etc
- 1 Dedicated IP Address
Also looking at some type of backup if a provider provides this service.
What can you say about Rockhoster.com and Regvps.com vps hosting solutions? Are they good? Any alternatives?
If Providers could let me know what deals you have please email me or private message me.

Don't sacrifice security and quality. It is not ideal to jump into affordable web hosts in which in the long run can lead to many problems such as web site accessibility and, worst, shutting down of web site.
For me Uptime and Speed, Support and Price are very important factors when choosing a right web host.
Well, rockhoster.com Linux VPS hosting is trustworthy and fast.
Was impressed by their uptime, speed connectivity and professionalism of their support techs.
I have been with Regvps.com web host for over 7 months everything is ok on their Private vps hosting. And my traffic is continuously increasing day by day. The Speed of blog is very good. The pricing and support is very good. Like this plan: PrivateVPS 1 - $3.95/month, CPU 1хE5-2680, RAM 1 GB, SSD 10GB, Bandwidth 1TB per Month, Location USA - Los Angeles, Germany, Switzerland, Russia.
Webhosting can be an enjoyable experience or it can be a nightmare. Take your time and test out a webhosting provider before you join.