Link din or twitter

Hello! better to use for what purpose? Each social media platforms has its own strength and weakness. You have to identify which social media offers you what you need. For instance, Linkedin is a social media meant specifically for business. While, twitter is a social media meant for socializing.
Both are different platform and used it that manner ( Twitter ) & ( Linkedin)
Twitter helps to get more traffic with instant sharing content, So does LinkedIn have to get more connections and with posting on groups.
Personally twitter is more effective.
According to an article on the SEOmoz blog, Zarrella compiled a database of 25,000+ URLs that had been shared at least once on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The URLs were all at least one month old and had a minimum of one incoming link. The study found that, while Facebook and Twitter users share the most links to content, the number of links directed at that content is higher per share via LinkedIn.
When it comes to sharing links, Facebook and Twitter immediately come to mind as the social networks of choice. Dan Zarrella, HubSpot social media scientist, recently conducted a study of link sharing and SERP (search engine results page) correlation on the top three social media platforms — Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn — to determine which platform improves search engine results the most. Surprise, it’s LinkedIn!
LinkedIn or twitter is good site both site social media site but LinkedIn only professional and post whole information related for self or other company and but twitter is post your twit post and photo and many more.
