Keyword Stuffing And Yahoo


New member
Want to know if Yahoo also penalizes and if it can detect keyword stuffing ? I know that Google does penalizes keyword stuffing and the website gets lower in search results and suffer a loss in ranking if Google detects it.

I am not sure how Yahoo deals with keyword stuffing problem and if it can detect a website or webpage doing it. If it detects than does it penalized that website for this stuffing of keywords all over pages.
That's an interesting question, and I don't think Yahoo penalizes people for keyword stuffing because it doesn't state it anywhere on their page. Yahoo is very different from Google, so they might allow certain things while Google doesn't; Keyword stuffing being one of them. I've also heard that Yahoo likes keywords, the more there are, the better your ranking will be. However, if I were you, I still wouldn't take the risk. Just because Yahoo likes keywords, doesn't mean you should keyword stuff, you still have a chance at getting penalized. Just try to include more than average keywords on your website.