How Tough It Is To Learn HTML


New member
Tell me how tough is it to learn HTML from scratch for a person who is not familiar to programming. I am thinking of learning HTML and i am still not decided that whether i can learn it at home or should i take a course. The cost of a course that is being started in my town is 300 dollars and its one month course. Do you think i would take it to learn HTML.
IMO, paying that much for a course on html is not worth it. Today most websites are made using PHP and javascript, because they allow users to actually interact, while HTML is mostly stationary websites.
There are lots of guides all over the internet on how to learn PHP, there are lots that are especially helpful on youtube. You can alos probably find some ebooks on learning to code PHP for free if you look hard enough.
Everything is hard to learn at first if you have no plan on how you're going to tackle it. I suggest searching up basic HTML tutorials (Nettuts is a really nice place to get a varied amount of tutorials) or even just learn the structure of the language. You'll learn how easy it was when you do learn it! Good luck with i! :cool:
I don't think that paying that amount to learn HTML would be worth it in the end for you. You can easily learn it through hands-on experience online, and learn the basics of it through tutorial websites. A good website that I would recommend for learning HTML is W3Schools Online Web Tutorials, it's what I used and it's very easy to understand.
Start with HTML. To use an analogy, it's going to be the frame or skeleton of your design. Then the CSS or cascading style sheets is what makes everything on your site look good. Anything from alignments to fonts and colors can be controlled by CSS. After that, like the guys here say, you won't be able to go much further unless you know the basics of php, MySQL and javascipt. Today's websites require some kind of minimum interactivity by use of databases and server side scripting.
You could learn it online for free. has a lot of it's training videos available for free for example. Personally, I would pickup a copy of Dreamweaver and play around with that. It has multiple views including a visual design mode as well as a code design mode. What's helpful is being able to switch between views to see the effects of the changes you are making with the code. It also color codes the code and makes code hints to help you while you're trying to type it out on your own.
Yea, getting lessons and tutorials online is very simple. Learn at your own pace and mess around in Notepad++ and practice for yourself.
HTML is extremely to learn, and it wouldn't take you very long to master it. Once you learn HTML, your going to want to learn other coding languages, because of how easy it is.
Definitely avoid paying: that's just someone cashing in on something simple.

HTML isn't a programming language: it's an interpreted formatting language. In other words, you don't have to worry about variables, procedures, parameters and a bunch of other stuff. Remember, web pages were built in Notepad before there were complex editors, and it didn't take long to do it!

Think of it this way... a programming language is like trying to teach a robot how to do something: you have to teach it what each word means, then how to build sentences, then how to understand them and relate them to actions, then the sequence of actions to do whatever it is you're teaching.

HTML is like trying to teach a child to count to ten. You just have to learn the numbers and the order they go in.

Once you've got that sorted out, you can add levels of complexity (CSS, JScript, etc.) but the basics are incredibly simple. I'll put in my vote for the W3 online courses and reference guides, too. Sheepish is absolutely spot on there: they are very easy to read and you can take it at your own pace, for free.

You can learn most of the basics of structure just by finding a simple site, right-clicking a page and choosing "show source". :)
IMO, paying that much for a course on html is not worth it. Today most websites are made using PHP and javascript, because they allow users to actually interact, while HTML is mostly stationary websites.

I would have to agree on this one. Nowadays, there isn't enough of a demand for html. Don't get me wrong, there's definitely potential, I just feel you could spend your money wiser. If you are still interested in learning html, there are plenty of free programs to help you out.
HTML is basic stuff, and in my opinion, not that difficult to learn at all. I'd advise you to reconsider paying that amount and just go do some self studies on Youtube or read up on articles for yourself. I'm sure a lot of people have covered this already, and I wouldn't be surprised if there are even free e-books floating around online. Just save the money for more advanced lessons for when you already learned the basics.

HTML is not a tough language and i think $ 300 is too much for the course. You can try W3schools site where you can learn HTML and also other web programming languages easily with examples and Do It Yourself option.
I would have to agree on this one. Nowadays, there isn't enough of a demand for html.

I disagree. HTML is the fundamental basis for websites. Sites generated by php produce an end product in HTML, so without the basic knowledge there's little point learning anything more complex or you'll just write php that generates gibberish.

Start with HTML, worry about more complex things afterwards.
Like others and I have said before on other threads, HTML isn't hard at all and learning it by yourself is very easy and manageable. There are tons of free tutorials out there and fundamental ideas to learn.

If you learn the core meaning of HTML and how the process works, the actual language would be a sinche
Learning HTML isn't very difficult. There are plenty of free resources online that will teach you. Learning HTML will give you a good foundation for learning other programming languages.
HTML isn't that difficult, but it can take some time. I learned a bit from CodeAcademy, but I have recently stopped since I figured that I will probably never need it ANYTIME soon. I might start up again in a few months, though.
As far as "coding" (scripting/programming) is concerned, HTML is one of the easiest languages. It's 90% syntax and it just makes sense for most people. If you need help getting started, search Google for W3Schools and start their tutorials.