How To Use Twitter

Twitter is easy as you use Facebook, Instagram or any other social account.
1.Go to, and create a free account.
2.Learn Twitter terminology. When you post something, it's a tweet. ...
3.Explore. See who is on Twitter and what people are tweeting.
4.Engage. Follow the guidelines in this article and become an active user.
1. Go to and sign up for a free account.
2. Tweet and Gather Followers
3. Note that tweets are limited to 140 or fewer characters; otherwise, the "Tweet" button will go into a minus.
4. Use hashtags. Prefacing a word with a '#' will create a hashtag. A hashtag makes a certain word easily searchable.
5. Gather Followers. Your Twitter can be as intimate or as big as you choose. If your goal is to gather lots of followers, though, be sure to keep your posts interesting and relevant.
6. Check the replies from your followers that are directed at you.
7. Decide your own style and times for tweeting. Twitter, like many social media applications, can become addicting and time-sucking. Make a decision early on about how much time you will devote to it and about how big your "tribe" of followers will be. Avoid worrying about getting heaps of followers; that's competitive rather than relating and it will end up wearing you out.