I recently thought of some nice ideas for websites that aren't offered as of this time in our country. My question is like the title suggests, how do I make these websites into reality, and will it cost me a lot just to hire someone and build on them without even considering the costs of advertising? Furthermore, how do I protect myself from the designer just running off with my idea and later on see that he or she made another better version of the website for himself or herself? I would especially like to know as well if I could perform these types of deals online with people I have not even met yet, and if so, the same questions apply on how I can protect myself. I understand that I could hire a lawyer, but obviously that will increase my costs and I don't even know how to start with carrying that over to online transactions if ever I do choose to do it that way. Should I just attempt to do the whole thing myself since what I am thinking of and are there easier ways to do it? Just to be clear, I am mostly thinking of creating a forum, but not limited to it at the same time. Sorry for so many questions, but I have accumulated so much having thought about this for a while now, and I guess I'll just leave it at that and just expound on it as the discussion moves along. Help!