How to spped up your Laptop.

LEO Privacy makes my phone fly. My phone always hang, because there are always some apps run in the background. One day I suddenly find in LEO Privacy there is a Boost, and then I always use it, and now my phone runs faster, and this app is also very safe ! LIKE it!
what is your Computer configuration ?. if it' have over 4gb ram and cpu ị Serires i think you dont need to Upgrade.! at the taskbar. you can see batery icon. Left click you will see 2 option. please choose Balace or High Performace dont choos power saver
No matter how old your laptop its depend upon your laptop Ram, operating system and window processor..

If Ram is less and you use it more then it can be slow and hang ... you should also change window and up to date...
I can help you if you provide more information regarding the hardware configuration. As a quick solution you can try creating a new user account(you can avoid this if you know to delete those unwanted temp files from appdata and other unwanted application files, free up space in your primary drive usually C drive)
Sometime the scratches on hard drive may lead to low performance.
How speedup laptop given below tips:

  • upgrading your RAM

  • switch to SSD

  • CCleaner

  • Windows ReadyBoost

  • hard disk defragmentation

  • disabling Start-up Programs

  • using alternative programs

  • turning off animations

  • switch your OS to Linux