How to rank my website on 1st place on Google without any Content?

You cannot rank a website without a quality content. Where a high quality content will not require much back links to rank on the first page.
Remember one thing while trying to rank your website, don't do over stuffing of keywords within your website. Google will penalize or baan your website and will cause you a huge debt for it. So, don't try to rank your website only with keywords and without a content. It won't help you to rank your website in different search engines and you'll find hard to get customers for your business as well. So, learn what Google algorithms says and work according to it only.
Content is the sole of any website and without it you can't able to rank it in Google. Even you should follow the Google algorithms while designing it as it will help you to get index your web page quickly and Google will crawl all the pages of it rapidly. Other important thing is that you should not use keywords more than 2 to 3 times in a web page as it will treated as you are violating the norms of Google algorithms and your website will be penalized instantly. So, remember these things prior making a website. It will help you a lot in future to get it ranked easily.

Thanks for sharing
Content is the key: It is very necessary that your website must contain unique and original content. And always try to update new content on your website so that it useful for the people.

Do Qna And forum: These are two sources from where you can get the idea that what people are looking for. And you can react according to that, this make updated always.

Social media: post your adds on social media so that you can connect more people to your site. do lots of social bookmarking and post images so that people must attract to your site.

Make count of your competitors: Get the list of your competitors and search what are doing differently and try to do it your self and get the traffic
Well Its hard but ive seen people do it with single pages.

You will need to find a niche keyword that is not very competitive.
Your website will have to have links to very strong social profiles.
The website designer will also need links from other websites that are aiming for that keyword.
You need alot of direct traffic for that keyword in your user metrics.

Im my personal opinion however what is the point the even if you do manage to rank the site the user will probably leave because of lack of content so there is not point unless you are trying to spam the search engine in which case google will remove the page anyway.
Good quality content is the most important thing if you want to rank high in the search engine, if you can't discribe your business with the help of quality content then people how know about your business services you provide. Only keyword is not safficient for your business rank.
So content plays very important role to promote your business and rank hing in the search engine.