How to promote blog for gaining more user engagement?

12 Surefire Ways To Drive Traffic To Your Blog:

1. Take Advantage Of Social Media
2. Add A Newsletter Signup Form
3. Post Quality Content Regularly
4. Optimize Your Content For Search Engines
5. Use Breadcrumbs
6. Use Keywords Effectively
7. Get Social. Make Friends Online!
8. Be A Guest Blogger
9. Participate In Question And Answer Sites
10. Speed Up Your Site
11. Install Google Analytics
12. NEVER Give Up
Few tips for generating more user engagement towards your blog-

Target Your Content to an Audience Likely to Share.
Participate in the Communities Where Your Audience Already Gathers.
Make Your Blog's Content SEO-Friendly.
Use social networking platforms to Share Your Posts & Find New Connections.
Conduct Keyword Research While Writing Your Posts.
Guest Blog.
Participate in Q+A Sites.
Few tips for increasing traffic and gaining more user engagement towards your blog-

Target Your Content to an Audience Likely to Share.
Participate in the Communities Where Your Audience Already Gathers.
Make Your Blog's Content SEO-Friendly.
Use social networking platforms to Share Your Posts & Find New Connections.
Conduct Keyword Research While Writing Your Posts.
Guest Blog.
Participate in Q+A Sites.