How to Make Videos Similar to this

Similar to what?

Assuming you just want to make a video with special effects then you can use iMovie on an apple computer, or even Windows Movie Maker on a windows computer. For something that is more professional i recommend using Sony Vegas which is cheap and lightweight.
It's hard to say without you providing some examples of what you are looking for.

If you are looking for splashy animated videos with all sorts of 3D text and particle transformations and other sparkly flashy stuff - those types of things are generally created in Adobe After Effects (though there are other competing products on the market as well) then later imported into something like Adobe Premiere to overlay on top of their other video clips, or composited with them in some other manner. The bad news is, those programs are rather expensive and have a steep learning curve. The good news is, you can find a lot of pre-made projects for After Effects that are for sale on sites like Videohive, and only need minor customizations to make them your own. Check out some of these for example:

After Effects Project Files - Logo Openers | VideoHive

The sound effects you can find all over the place, on free sites, or on paid services such as Videoblocks or Audiojungle. They have all sorts of ready made music and sound effects for your projects.

As for narration, you either do it yourself, or get a friend to do it for you, or hire someone. There are actually a lot of people on Fiverr who offer these services for $5 a piece.

There is even a newer program out now called Sparkol Videoscrobe that you may want to check out. It helps you create animated "hand drawn" type videos. It's pretty cool.