how to make my site more reachable?

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7 Easy Strategies to Make Your Website Reachable

You want every single website visitor to have a positive experience while visiting your website. In order to make that happen it has to be accessible by everyone. Here are 7 easy strategies to make your website reachable.

1. CAPTCHA - If you use a CAPTCHA to verify that a user is a person and not a computer or a program, you may be eliminating some people from a user experience. Those who cannot read the CAPTCHA code may be unable to enter it correctly and they won’t have access to the information. You can add an audio portion to your CAPTCHA so visitors can hear the code and then successfully type it into their computer. You receive verification and they receive access so it’s a win for you both!

2. Tagging photos - If your images don’t load correctly or a user has them blocked, they’re missing out on part of your website. If you simply add an alt tag to your images, then everyone is able to understand your website fully. An alt tag tells your visitors what the image is if it cannot be displayed. The Americans with Disabilities Act dictates that all images must have an alt tag.

3. Small files & quick download/upload times - Large graphics and files slow a user’s ability to upload your website. Their system may simply not be able to access your site and if you have large files you're therefore making your site unreachable to many. Make sure your website images, files and graphics are all as small as they can be. Quick upload times are very much appreciated by your visitors.

4. Standard files - Make sure any content published or available on your website is available in an accessible format. For example, PDF documents are easily viewed by any system. MS Word files or WordPerfect files are not.

5. Accessible navigation - Make sure each button, category, or action step is easy to find and understand. The more straightforward your website navigation, the easier it will be for each and every visitor to access your site’s pages.

6. Label all form input elements - If you have a form for visitors to fill out, make sure each option of your form is labeled. This will confirm your visitors know what information is supposed to go into the form.

7. Make links obvious - If you have links for visitors to click on, make sure they are obvious and work properly. Text links, embedded or otherwise, all need to stand out from the rest of the content. Consider bold, underlined or colored formatting to set them apart.