How To Keep Passwords Safe


New member
Most of us now a days forget about passwords and i am not different. Every web site i sign up with require me to enter a strong password and most of it will require to have a number , a character or sometimes even a special character to make it strong. Off-course this sort of complex password can not be memorized so i want to ask the web masters in this community that how do they memorize their passwords or how they keep their passwords safe if they put it in a document.

Tell me if you guys have some brilliant ideas as i have an app in my smart phone which will let me store passwords but what happens if i lose my phone. What the best practive to keep passwords safe from unwanted people and at the same time do not make life difficult .
I used to have this problem, but I found that having a sort of "code" for my passwords works well. I like to use a name that has a significance to me, but others wouldn't know about (such as my mothers middle name) then the last few digits of my social security number, zip code, or something of that nature. That usually passes the secure password tests, as long as I make the first letter a capital.

To remember passwords and not lose them, I think that the safest way is to write them down on paper in real life and leave it in a hidden place near your computer for security. Or having a secret, locked folder on your computer or phone that you need a password to get into and keeping your passwords in there, but that's a little more risky because if something happens to your phone or computer and you lost that information it would be a very difficult and trying experience to try to remember the passwords that you had saved in it.
sheepishwolf Do you mean you keep the passwords same for all the websites . I would keep the same password for all of the websites i have a profile as i think its unsafe as if some body knows one of your password then he will have access to all of websites. Any other suggestions to remember password as this one have not appealed me;)
I actually use the same password for most sites. I have the worst memory. I did start keeping a text file on my computer with a list of my favorite sites and passwords but that doesn't feel too safe. Mostly, I use the same word and use a variation of it by having a different number or special character at the end of the password. What I really need is a better memory :)
Just use a password no one else will ever know, then use it over and over again. Make it really long with a mix of numbers and letters and tell no one, not even your bestie.
Just use a password no one else will ever know, then use it over and over again. Make it really long with a mix of numbers and letters and tell no one, not even your bestie.

Same with me, I only use one secured and strong password for many sites. I don’t save anywhere else since I remember it so well. For websites that I seldom use it and there is no need to protect my personal information, I use “incorrect” as a password. So that if it tells me “you’ve entered an incorrect password” then that is my hint.
I use two different ways to keep my passwords safe. One way is for my most often used passwords I use Norton Vault that way all my passwords for different sites can be different. The second way is on my computer I encrypt all my hard drives and then use an encrypted excel spreadsheet. So even if someone where to steal my computer they would be very unlikely to get my passwords.
Use songs.
Create a password based on song lyrics, you will never forget that lyric and if you forget the password just hum the song and you will easily remember which password it is.
Always use capitals, small, charaters and numbers in a password, although some stupid sites will not let you! Example: ?John_2013WWW?

I use Instant Lock for to secure a folder and store all mine in a Word doc, I also have a copy in the safe, and heavily encrypted on my server.
Always use capitals, small, charaters and numbers in a password, although some stupid sites will not let you! Example: ?John_2013WWW?

I use Instant Lock for to secure a folder and store all mine in a Word doc, I also have a copy in the safe, and heavily encrypted on my server.

Yes, if you have a decent knowledge of encryption, storing it online on a secure site, or your own server is a good option.
I never write down my password. I don't think I ever have, even since I first started using them many years ago. My brain is riddled with so many passwords to so many different things, it's actually pretty hilarious.
I mainly keep my passwords in a notepad. I've recently started doing this since I signed up on a handful of websites. A week or month later, I guessed and guessed but only got a few correct. Most of the time, there's usually an option that says "Forgot your password?" That usually helps, but I was tired of doing that all the time, and validating my email and whatnot, so now, I write my passwords down in a small notebook that I keep near me. Pretty efficient and effective.
I have all my passwords encrypted and saved in Lastpass. I also have a list made and saved as an attached file in one of my email addresses. My passwords are basically made up of names which I use all the time plus numbers I can never forget. Throw in a couple of special characters and I have passwords which, according to one password strength assessment software, will take more than 30 years to decipher using the most sophisticated password hacking software. That's good enough for me.
I use Lastpass to save all my passwords and generate new ones for new sites. The site stores these password encrypted using 256 AES. You just have to remember one password that is your Lastpass login password and after logging in, it should automatically log you in into your websites.