How To Get More Facebook Likes


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Do any of you have a facebook page where you are getting many likes and doing good. I have tried to implement every method on my Facebook page but no luck and i want you to share me the secret of success with Facebook and how can i get more face book likes so that my page become popular and more people visit my website.
Log into Facebook as your fanpage, and start commenting on other people's posts that are related to your niche, don't spam them. Write meaningful comments. These generally increases your exposure and people interested in your niche go and like your Facebook page.
I tried the LIKES exchange program lately and I got tons of likes however they gradually unlike my pages after a week. Now, I installed a plugin in my site that will pop out prompting my facebook fan page and then encourage visitors to click LIKE. :D I'm a bit successful to this method.
I find the best way to get facebook likes is to run contests for facebook only. Telling your subscribers on youtube or your blog that you will release a code or something only on facebook is a great way to get them in. Remember not to spam them, keep to 1 to 2 posts a day. Keep the contests going also, once a month is a good benchmark. This also depends on what your facebook page is about, but if you have a product/service give it away for free to gain these extra followers is great.
You can get more facebook likes by commenting on pages with similar interests, and tagging your page when you make comments. It's not a fast way to increase your likes, but it works.
I have a page on facebook and I think the most important is achieve a good content, asks to your friends to share their publications, to share the page, I now have 4000 Likes and every day I have new tastes on the page, the complicated is started.
Also you can always pay to facebook to share your page.
I like and comment on other people's pages and many of them will return the favor. Once I started making a point of doing this a few times each day, I've found that I'm getting lots more likes and comments than I used to. This is especially true when the other page is by someone very popular as then I end up getting some of them flowing back through, too.
I liked the idea!
Can you tell me the name of the plugin?
I'll try to do the same, but the big problem will be getting users to visit the site.
I've got a few pages. Best way is to make an account, add everyone you can, try and talk to everyone a little bit to make sure they know you're really there, then start inviting them to like your page. You can either use that, or put it on a website with a heavy amount of traffic. Or, you can go the long route, I have a personal Facebook account, last year I started a page called "Suicide Prevention Community" (never did get around to the website though, not enough volunteers) but I had less than 300 people on my friends list since it is/was my personal account, I now have 271 likes and it goes up weekly even though I haven't posted around in forever, but then again, I have another page that was for making money online that hasn't gone over 30 likes and had an active set of posts going on it weekly.
I think buy Facebook likes and Facebook fans are best option to take your business marketing efforts to the next level, and it can really lead to higher profits. Business, companies and individuals alike are finding that Facebook is a great way to promote and market their goods and services.
1. Advertise on Facebook to get more “likes”. This is the quickest way to grow your fan base.

2. Initially ask friends and family to like your page.

3. Offer a free ebook to obtain a “like”

4. Ask questions regularly using Facebook’s native question app.

5. You can get many facebook applications and even likes on sites like Seoclerks, there rates are very low, so you should try them.
Well you can update your Facebook page on regular basis with unique content in community and with your friends.Start commenting on post that are related your niche. It may help people to get aware your product and services.
Hi, There are lots of social exchange sites and bots you can get facebook likes youtube likes. and lots of sellers use them to sell likes. i saw already few websites are mentioned. most of them use fake accounts and bots and those likes will dropped after few hours or days. so be careful with your feedback if you are going to sell them - See more at: