How to Boost Alexa of News Portal?


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Hello all I would like to know how to boost alexa for a news website? I have a news portal Public Andolan which is having its alexa of 238k at the moment. I want to decrease my alexa to 10k. How much time would be required to reach there and what all activities do I need to follow so as to reach there? kindly help me regarding the same.

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As I installed Alexa Rank widget on my blog sometime after 2 months since it was active, my Alexa Rank was about 25,000,000+. That number has no value to me. I installed Alexa rank widget to my blog because I saw it from other blogs. As I compared the number from my blog to the number that appears to other blog which is older than mine and receiving more traffic, I became curious then - which Alexa rank is more valuable - is it the higher number or lower? Then I made some research through "googling" the keyword - "how to increase Alexa Rank" and I know from the different posts that I stumbled upon that the lower the Alexa Rank, the better.
Alexa measures the traffic on your website and provide a numerical value to rank your domain in search engines. Alexa rank can be improved by good content update and also by building backlinks from other relevant sources.
The algorithm according to which Alexa traffic ranking is calculated, is simple. It is based on the amount of traffic recorded from users that have the Alexa toolbar installed over a period of three months. This traffic is based on such parameters as reach and page views.

Alexa measures the traffic on your website and provides a numerical rank to your domain. The rank helps to denote the popularity of your domain in search engines. The Alexa rank can be improved by the good content update and also by building backlinks from other relevant web pages.
You should Update you website regularly on daily basis.
Keep away from spammy links.
removed all spammy links as well as directory listing links [ except all niche directories].
get Links form trusted sources [ which have lower alexa rank than yours].
Update your site content daily basis.
install alexxa plugin on your website.
If you have a blog try to check onpage of your blog section. you should try to check website on page properly.

I hope by following all these tips you can able to increase your alexxa rankin