how to be a affiliate marketer

To simplify it, here's the 4 step process for how it works:
1. You find a product you want to promote.
2. You sign up for their affiliate program.
3. You get a special link that allows the merchant to track the people who clicked your link.
4. If they buy the product, you get a commission.
Now are you asking how to make money being an affiliate marketer or what does an affiliate marketer do?

I agree with what manogua said steps wise. But I would start with finding a niche/ or group people you want to target first. I would stay away from the big markets like health and money making niches cause those will be hard for you make money in if you are just starting out. What kind of marketing experiences do you have? What niches, hobbies, or things that interest you would be a great starting point. Also what kind of promotion do you plan on using (social, ranking websites, email marketing, PPC, etc.)??? Providing us with some more info would help out a lot to guide you in the write direction. When I first started affiliate marketing many years ago I used Clickbank. Best of luck to you buddy.
I agree, I always look at reviews to see if it's worth buying a product. For beginners go where people are looking for that product and post some good points about the product and how it's worked for you and a link. A link with explanation isn't going to work. GWoltmann
This is Product Launch
1. Have hosting + domain
2. Go jvzoo or clickbank sign up
3. Go muneye to check new product and get link affiliate
4. After have link, write reviews about product and up on your website
5. SEO
Goodluck !!
Here are 4 basic steps to become an affiliate marketer.

Step 1: Join the affiliate program
Step 2: Set the links on your site
Step 3: The customer clicks on the link and buy the product
Step 4: Earn commissions by selling through path
there is many ways to be affiliate marketer

to be a good one you need to invest time and maybe little money
publish your site/blog good
inside your site put links to products/study that they will buy
Register on web-site , which give you an affilate programm in the down-link, after you make some easy steps, and then they give you your back office