Hello, my friend. What exactly happened to you? The hot water stopped flowing, right? If you don’t know anyone who can understand technology and plumbing, then you’ll probably have to call a specialist to your home. In Toronto, you can contact this company https://pomplumbing.ca/hot-and-cold-water-pressure-investigation-and-repair/. They will come, look and tell you what exactly is broken. If the breakdown is within their competence, then they will quickly fix everything. But if it’s really a boiler, then you’ll have to have it repaired or buy a new one.
A very interesting topic, that I’m even surprised to find this on a regular forum, I think it’s worth climbing the branches again. I'll kill a little time, but nothing ...
Hello, my friend. What exactly happened to you? The hot water stopped flowing, right? If you don’t know anyone who can understand technology and plumbing, then you’ll probably have to call a specialist to your home. you can contact this company Read more for detailed information. They will come, look and tell you what exactly is broken. If the breakdown is within their competence, then they will quickly fix everything. But if it’s really a boiler, then you’ll have to have it repaired or buy a new one.