Gmail Vs Yahoo


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G mail and Yahoo are two websites which are used by many people around the world. People make their accounts on them. Both are similar to Hotmail. Which one of them are most widely used and which is liked more by the people?
The two websites are very different. If you're talking about search results, then Google is the guaranteed winner. They update their search engine algorithm very frequently. They care about their search results, and what they produce. Their email in my opinion is also significantly better because there are tabs separating your Youtube results, Promotions, and your regular email.

Yahoo however, is very different. I dislike how Yahoo looks; their site is too cluttered. There are unnecessary tabs such as Horoscopes, Scores, Quotes, etc. which is useless in my opinion. The email is a decent system other than the fact that you receive a lot of spam if you're using Yahoo. Overall, Google is the winner here in terms of email, and Yahoo is decent.
Yahoo is way better for news, however Google exceeds all in searching, mail, videos, and pretty much everything else.
Google will allow access to more sites overall than yahoo, and I like the user interface for the mail more. But either gets the job done fine!
Gmail interface is much more elegant and user friendly whereas Yahoo is sluggish and often unresponsive. I used to use Yahoo until 3 years ago when I completely switched over to Gmail.
Google all the way for me. I just hate the name Yahoo, and I associate Yahoo email addresses with spam. I remember years ago having a Yahoo email account and it was terrible! Google mail, search etc is the best..
Gmail is more prefer by people and seems more authentic than Yahoo.
Gmail has some more features just as Hangout and video chat etc.
I guess you are referring to their electronic mail services. I'm really not sure which of them is more used. But, I would say it's rare to come by new yahoo e-mail account these days. And that's probably yahoo's fault by not paying good attention to their website.

As someone who has and still using both, I find Yahoo mail very annoying; it's usually not responsive and their mail website is not goal-oriented. It has too many other services hanging around it, that makes it look kind of choke or clustered like someone wrote above.

On the other hand, Gmail is almost the opposite of Ymail and the account is also useful for other commonly used online services by its creator. Although, I prefer hotmail for its simplicity to both.
Gmail is far ahead of yahoo in terms of popularity and likeness. I tried Yahoo only once and found it tedious. Now I am using gmail which is lot more comfortable than Yahoo mail.
I had accounts on both and both are useful. However, I had some minor issues on yahoo that makes gmail the best for me. It doesn't update on real time and I received emails delayed.
Using both Yahoo and Gmail. I find Gmail better than yahoo in several ways. Services that Gmail provide is useful. 1 feature of Gmail i loved it however I never used it before and that is "loading basic html feature".
I prefer Gmail because it's very user-friendly and easy to navigate. Gmail offers better encryption to protect people's e-mail account from being hacked.
Yes, I am using both 'Gmail' & 'Yahoo' emailing interface for emails to my friends but mostly, i use gmail because it's very easy to use for emailing and chatting other than yahoo...
Google all the way. They have a superior seach engine, so much that Google is a household name now. And Gmail is so much better than Yahoo's mail service. So much cleaner and easier to use. In addition to that, are all of the extra features like Google Docs etc.