Facebook Likes

Suggest your Fan page to your friends
Update you profile on regular bases
Keep your page contents interesting
If you have a website integrate your Fan page with your website
Tag your friends through your page
you can also buy facebook likes from freelancers from SEOclerks at cheap rates.
you can buy your likes from some auction websites.
not update your facebook that frequent because some may find you are annoying
like others fb in order to entice them to like you back
Add more and more people on facebook, visit chatrooms like on IRC servers for this download IRC client such as Mirc or Chatzilla and make new friends of common interest, then share with them your page..you can also buy Facebook likes from freelancers on websites like SEOclerks
Try to follow this basic thing
Facebook Fan Page Promoting:
a) Update Status with Relevant Content
b) Collect and Create Fan base
c) Communicate and Response to the Audience
Post interesting and engaging content on your page: videos, appealing images with clear and contrasting colors, infographics, links, viral posts; ask your followers for their opinions, ask them different questions, organize polls and contests.
Facebook is social networking site.
Facebook like is most important in SEO.
You can used this points.
(1) Update you profile on regular basis.
(2) Keep your page contents unique & infomative.
(3) Suggest your Fan page to your friends.
(4) Tag your friends through your page.
(5) you can also buy facebook likes from freelancers and cheap rates.
(6) If you have a website integrate your Fan page with your website.