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Japan’s Economic Growth Rate is Weaker for the Third-quarter

The Japanese economy presented a lower-than-expected data during the third quarter of this year. According to the country’s Cabinet Office, Japan obtained 1.3% growth for the past three months until September versus to the results of the previous year. However, the initial estimate is 2.2% which is comparably weaker to the final result. Included in the recently presented data is the investments from various companies which is also lower than the earlier evaluation. The CapEx dropped by 0.4% as of this quarter due to the lesser investments from the steel and real estate industries. Furthermore, another data have revealed that the services sector is developing along with the increase in consumer spending.
December 12, 2016
EU Stocks Surge, Extend its Longest Rallying Streak in Two Years
European stocks extended its longest rallying streak during Friday’s trading session, with EU stocks hitting its highest rallies in over two years following highly supportive projected policy plans from the European Central Bank. The Euro Stoxx 50 Index closed down the previous session within 0.7% of an impending bullish market, while the Stoxx Europe 600 Index increased by 1%. The Italian FTSE MIB Index meanwhile dropped by 0.7% after posting its highest three-day increase in six months.
December 12, 2016
EU Stocks Surge, Extend its Longest Rallying Streak in Two Years
European stocks extended its longest rallying streak during Friday’s trading session, with EU stocks hitting its highest rallies in over two years following highly supportive projected policy plans from the European Central Bank. The Euro Stoxx 50 Index closed down the previous session within 0.7% of an impending bullish market, while the Stoxx Europe 600 Index increased by 1%. The Italian FTSE MIB Index meanwhile dropped by 0.7% after posting its highest three-day increase in six months.
December 12, 2016
Demonetisation of 100-Bolivar Notes
The Republic of Venezuela made its announcement regarding the official replacement of the country’s banknotes, it will be fill in with coins within 3 days. The government decided to remove the 100-bolivar notes in order to minimize the smuggling of various items including foods. According to Nicolas Maduro, Venezuelan President, the syndicates run their operations within the border of the country cannot execute the repatriation of the notes. The most recent amount of the former “highest denomination” bill - 100 bolivar note is 2 US cents (£0.015). Moreover, the so-called “terrestrial paradise” are now dealing with a severe crisis both in political and economic sector since the region are included in the list of the world’s highest rates of inflation.
Cut in Oil Production Lead to Oil Price Hike
Oil prices surged to new highs since 2015 after OPEC and other oil producers come up with an agreement to lessen output production to counterbalance the oversupply in the economy.

The agreement entails 1.0 million barrels per day reduction, lesser to the planned cut of 1.6 million barrels per day with the accrued 1.76 million barrels per day(bpd) from 24 countries. The former 52.6 million bpd equivalent to 54 percent of global oil supply. If the planned cut was followed, there will be higher risks involved.

OPEC aims to cut output by 1.2 million bpd on January 1st from the top exporter Saudi Arabia with a bid of 486,000 bpd to stop overproduction.
December 13, 2016

Oil Prices Surge to Highest Levels in Almost Two Years Following Production Cuts Pledges from Non-OPEC Countries

Crude oil prices rose to its highest levels in over 17 months following Saudi Arabia’s pledge to cut back on its oil production more than the previous agreement, as well as a pledge from non-OPEC countries to implement production cuts next year. Saudi Arabia’s Energy Minister has already stated that the country will be cutting back well below the predetermined target, and non-OPEC nations followed suit, with the said countries agreeing on cutting back by up to 558,000 bpd next year. This particular agreement is the first of its kind between OPEC members and non-OPEC members during a 15-year period.
December 14, 2016
USD Stabilizes as Fed’s Two-Day Meeting Commences
The USD had a somewhat muted trading session since traders are now closely monitoring Federal Reserve as the FOMC’s two-day meeting has already begun. The market is currently expecting the USD to have a somewhat inactive reaction to the Fed’s speculated 25-point interest rate hike, but could exhibited an increased volatility with regards to its price once Fed Chair Janet Yellen speaks on the press conference following the FOMC meeting. The market liquidity expected for this month has already been augmented by the results of the Fed meeting, especially since traders are now more concerned with the central bank’s future plans than with the Fed rate hike this month.
December 15, 2016
USD Surges to Highest Levels in Two Weeks as Federal Reserve Hikes Interest Rates
The USD surged to its highest levels in almost two weeks after the FOMC finally decided to increase its interest rates, with the funds target rate increasing by up to 25 bps. The central bank also opened its doors for a possibility of a total of three interest rate hikes this coming 2017, and while this is currently seen as a hawkish move on the part of the central bank, foreign exchange transactions exhibited less activity than what was initially expected during the trading hours following the said decision by the Federal Open Market Committee or the FOMC.
December 20, 2016
Italian Government Solicits €20bn to Support Their Struggling Banks
The Italian government waiting for parliamentary approval to borrow as much as 20 billion Euro equivalent to 17 billion pound to backed up weak banking sector especially Monte dei Paschi. This puts pressure to the newly elected Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni afraid to suffer losses regards to bailout rules of European Union.
He indicated that this serves as a preventive measure to protect savings. Also, Pier Carlo Padoan the Italian economy minister said that this would be used to induce liquidity in the banking industry to support troubled banks. They are looking for ways to pay losses incurred by retail investors.
December 20, 2016
Oil Ends Up Near $52 BPD as Investors Monitor Return of Libyan Crude
Oil prices ended up at nearly $52 barrels per day after investors shifted their focus to the possibility of Libyan crude oil supply returning as well as output cut returns in January following the recent agreement between OPEC and non-OPEC oil producers to cut back on oil production. The market is now expecting major cutbacks from major oil suppliers starting next year, with Saudi Arabia said to be planning to cutback smaller crude oil volumes being sold to Asia as compared to other regions.
December 20, 2016
German Business Climate Hit A Higher Level in December
The highly-regarded business climate index of the Germany published its data which showed an upbeat for the month of December, considering the economic indicator to attain its highest rate since February 2014. According to the quantification of Munich Institute for Economic Research (Ifo), the index amp up to 110.4 points last month and earned 111 points for December by which presented a better-than-expected result of the market and economists, the anticipated outcome is only 110.7 points.
The Business Expectations Index is designed to gauge various sentiments regarding the probable profits from businesses for the following six months have increased up to 105.6 for the last month of this year and exceeded the 105.5 expectations.
Clemens Fuest, President of the Ifo, said that the economic status of Germany had established a more stabilize position until the last month of 2016. The 48-year-old economist also mentioned that there is an increase in the indices of wholesale and industrial sales. In addition to it, various companies under the manufacturing sector also plan to expand its production for the following months.
December 21, 2016
U.S College Graduates to Enter the 'Strongest Job Market’ in a Decade, says Fed Chair
On Monday, the Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen spoke to the graduates of the University of Baltimore and leave the words “Get a college degree”, Yellen affirmed these to the young Americans because the U.S job market are becoming the strongest among other countries since the unemployment rate is as low as 4.6% since 2007. Moreover, policymakers also acknowledged the development in the economy for the previous week which made them decide a second-time rate hike after a decade.
The Fed Chair also stated that the future of the job seekers seems positive, particularly for a college degree holder by which the unemployed college graduates is approximately 2.3%.
She also mentioned the two important forces, improving technologies and globalization, to complete the formal learning of the higher education.
Moreover, she did not discuss anything about her work regarding monetary policy.
December 27, December 27, 2016
Expected Resurgence of Russia in 2017
After years of recession, Russia is about to come back for next year. Although it does not mean performance in the stock market that has already increased by 40% to the present. The Russian Finance Minister said that the economy will grow by 1.5% from a -3% advancement in the past two years.
Investors also strive for a removal of sanctions in 2017 concerning oil and gas after a certain company lost $1 billion due to Russian penalties. The GDP for 2016 is projected to position at -0.5% which an improvement than the predicted -0.6% according to the Ministry of Economic Development. Nonetheless, this year will not close positively but a promising start in 2017 after getting behind for 2 years.
December 27, 2016
US Consumer Sentiment Rose in December Since 2004
The victory of Donald Trump caused the consumer confidence index (CCI) to continuously increased according to the survey conducted by the University of Michigan. The CCI rose to 98.2 which is considered its highest level from 2004, closed to its initial estimate of 98. The growth of sentiment index seems passive compared during the post-election period which took place as the December begins and in November as well.
Moreover, consumers heightened their confidence since number of jobs are improved. However, the survey made last month showed that the people who are confident are those who attained a college degree as well as those families from the Northeast.
This improvement stimulates the hope for an economic boom, however, it does not necessarily mean for an immediate economic expansion. It is inclined with the actual data that was evaluated from the US economy amid the election period. The economists said that the confidence can be maintained but with the help of the administration who will generate evident results.
December 27, 2016
USD Retreats from China-backed Increase, Sets Record Lows Against Yen

The USD dropped from its recently high levels during the mid-morning trading session in spite of maintaining some of its profits as opposed to majority of its G-10 colleagues. The dollar dropped immediately after China’s Xi Jinping released a statement saying that he is open to China’s economic growth retreating below the country’s target of 6.5%. The USD/JPY traded at 117.26 points after posting session lows of 117.18 points.
December 28, 2016
US Stocks Trade Near Record High as Oil Prices Surge, Bonds Drop
US stocks traded within its record highs in the midst of low market liquidity after oil prices clocked in its longest gain streak within a four-month period. Meanwhile, US treasuries dropped following a weakening in the demand in a two-year notes auction. The rise in oil prices for the seventh straight day is a response to anticipation from majority of market players that the recent production cuts from both non-OPEC and OPEC member nations will be vital in the reduction of a supply surplus.
December 28, 2016
Vietnam Fast Economic Growth Gained More Than 6% in GDP
Vietnam’s economy rose by 6.21% this year being the fastest country to grow in the manufacturing sector. Its trade exports remain strong as it grew by 8.6% for this year despite sluggish global that is affecting other countries such as Singapore and China.

The Gross Domestic Product climbed 6.68% in the fourth quarter last year while an improvement of 6.56% was seen since September as stated by the General Statistics Office of Hanoi. The forecasted economic growth of the country by the Asian Development Bank is 63 percent for 2017 giving a positive outlook in the next several years and standout from the rest of Asian countries.
December 28, 2016
China’s Economy Remains Stable Until 2017
The Bureau of Statistics released the GDP of China showing 6.7% growth during the previous three quarters of 2016. The world’s second-largest economy established a stable growth which is a sign for the possible completion of the country’s target for the year.
The issued data further presented an economic stability under the industrial sector, consumption and investing sector from October to November. While the service industry rose because of an upbeat in agriculture. Chinese officials from the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) are confident that the positive trends will continue until 2017. Stephen Roach, an economist told the China Daily that the attainment of the government’s target GDP growth will account for 1.2 percentage points.
December 29, 2016
USD Reaches 14-Year Highs as EUR Plummets to Lowest Levels in 2016
The US dollar surged to its highest levels for this week and has nearly reached its highest trading range since 2002 as seen in the DXY index. Meanwhile, the EUR received the brunt of losses against the USD as compared to other currencies after losing about 0.6% of its previous trading value. Dollar gains were somewhat paired after the 10-year Treasury yields dropped to new session lows of 2.52% following a high auction demand for 5-year notes worth $34.0 billion.