Economic and company news by ForexMart


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November 23, 2016

Canadian Stocks Reaches Highest Levels in 17 Months Due to Massive Retail Sales Profits

Canadian stocks continued its increasing trend for a total of four days and has already reached its highest levels in 17 months as a result of massive retail sales gains, with retail sales clocking in its biggest profits incurred since April 2016. Canada’s retail sales data showed gains worth 0.6% in September 2016, its biggest gains posted since April and an indicator of the spending of the Canadian government’s recently-minted child benefits. Meanwhile, the Canadian equity benchmarks scored more gains as the DJIA reached up to 19,000, while the MSCI index for both developing and developed markets increased by up to 3.6% for 2016 and could possibly hit its record highest yearly increase since 2013.
November 23, 2016

CBI’s Latest Industrial Trends Survey Showed an Increase on Manufacturing Orders But Remained to be Weak.

The manufacturing order books heightened although the export orders and economic growth eased within this month as indicated in the order results of the Industrial Trends Survey.
The survey includes 430 manufacturers and assessed that the total order books restored its previous level which prevails during the whole period of summer and seen on top of the long-term average. Moreover, the orders for exports dropped down slightly but managed to sustain an above average result.
The volume for output made a slow growth which is about three months later. There is hope that the production for the upcoming quarter appeared to be in good shape yet its highest level was recorded last February 2015. In light of the steep decline of the sterling pound, manufacturers await for the possible extension of the average selling prices for the succeeding months.
November 23, 2016

Australia’s Mining Investments Fosters growth to Economy

Mining improves the economy of Australia with recovery of investments and increase in commodity prices. Furthermore, the high demand for Aussie boosts the economy specifically in Queensland and Western Australia since the inflation rates are going back to normal levels.

The unemployment rate has decreased since the peak in 2015 which also slowed down the population growth where the past reports saying it has improved were overstated . Nevertheless, this slow growth is not as bad as it shown a less than expected results.

On the bright side, it is the progress of trades mainly the pricing between imports and exports that gives a promising outlook for the mining investment and the increasing demand for money gives buoyancy in the economy.
November 24, 2016
DJIA, Russell 2000 Indices Extend Gains as US Economic Data Triggers Rise in Industrial Stocks
The Dow Jones Industrial Average index as well as the Russell 2000 index both experienced significant rallies as economic data releases from the region brought speculations that the US might be able to withstand the effects of the projected interest rate hike from the Federal Reserve which is set to happen in December. The DJIA reached record highs after going beyond 19,080 while the Russell 2000 continued its rallying streak for 14 consecutive days after rising by up to 0.5%. Meanwhile, industrial stocks such as Caterpillar Inc. surged by more than 1% as stated on the durable goods data and the 10-Year Treasury notes also increased in value.
November 24, 2016

U.S Dollar Gained Much Power Even Before Trump’s Victory

The greens continuously rise after Donald Trump won the American presidential election. However, these upsurge angst companies that imports their products to other countries which caused few investors to place the full responsibility to Trump for they earning less than their average gains because the dollar is too strong.

Moreover, these complaints were on the deck before the new U.S President-elect take his position. The squawks from companies point out that the cause of low earnings is due to the issues regarding the stronger dollar. Some of the large companies that the currency brought headwinds into their firms include Apple, Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Kraft Heinz, Procter & Gamble and Whirlpool.

According to the research made by the Pavilion Global Markets that current stance of the dollar is the top reason why companies earned worse than their expectations, followed by issues concerning Brexit, election, the Fed, and wages.

Nevertheless, Jim Paulsen from Wells Capital Management said in an interview that he predicts that the greenbacks will experience a decline for 2017 because of the increasing inflationary expectations.
November 24, 2016
Sluggish Trades Affect Germany’s Economic Growth
The economic growth of Germany slowed down by 0.2 percent in the third quarter even though both the government and consumer spending has significantly increased. Mainly due to the feeble foreign trading that brought an impact to Europe’s largest economy.
The Government spending rose by 1.0% while the Household spending climbed by 0.4%, both adding 0.2% to GDP economic growth. However, the net foreign trade deducted 0.3 percentage point from GDP growth since exports fell by 0.4% while imports ascended by 0.2%. This implies that the companies are withholding investments in the brink of low monetary policies of the European Central Bank.
November 25, 2016

Sluggish Economic Growth Supported by Economic Data

Japan undergoes slow growth reflected on the several economic indicators. Statistics from last year until early this year showed they have recovered but it is still not sufficient.
The industrial output slowed by 0.1 percent in October because of less foreign and local demand that affects production. The retail sales and household spending were also expected to slow down for 8 consecutive months after it declined by 1.2 percent and 0.6 percent respectively. The private consumption and unemployed also slowed down and moves at a steady rate.

There has been a positive results in the third quarter this year but a sustainable economic recovery is still questionable.
November 25, 2016
Pound to Take A Break as Investors Sees a Longer Effect of Brexit

After the EU exit on June 23, the sterling had a 16 percent dip which is feasible for a huge adjustment on its economic status. Two of the most renowned Scotland-based investment company have conveyed their advice for the pound to give the pound a rest.
The Kames Capital and Standard Life Investments inferred that the aftereffect of the referendum would last a decade.
According to Andrew Milligan from the Standard Life company, the market valuates in advanced as they expected that the British economy would endure enormous changes. While Stephen Jones of Kames described the pound as the “whipping boy” of the forex market because this is the consequence from the unpleasant Brexit event.
At present, the financial situation of U.K had a worse progression which caused the pound to remain as one of the poorest performing currency among Majors, in general, followed by the Mexican peso.
November 25, 2016
Japanese CPI Data Records Longest Losing Streak since 2011, Drops for Eight Consecutive Months

The consumer prices data for Japan has again dropped for its eighth straight month, recording its longest losing streak since 2009-2011. This losing streak in the nation’s consumer data shows just how far Japan is from reaching its inflation target of 2%. The Bank of Japan’s primary inflation measurement, which is consumer prices minus fresh food, decreased by 0.4% last October as compared to its data from the same period last year. Consumer prices minus food and energy increased marginally and had a reading of 0.2% and was previously forecasted to come in at 0.1%. Consumer prices in general increased slightly by 0.1% with a surge in prices for fresh food making up for the drop in energy costs.
November 28, 2016
Service Sector Affected by Low Optimism in the Economy
Low consumer spending and rise in wages affected the Service sector of U.K. for this month of November. This would bring negativity this Christmas season since pound has also depreciated. Companies rendering professional services are expected to decline in sales while it is the opposite for consumer services which is predicted to rise in sales in the next three months.

Even though, the consumer confidence has weakened, the employment growth remained steadfast. Consumer companies may allocate funds to training which will increase spending but cut down expenses on location, vehicles and machineries.
November 28, 2016
Base Metals Continued to Surge Due to Increase in Infrastructure Spending
Metals had a persistent improvement amid on the supposition on Trump’s infrastructure expenditure and weakness in the overall inventories. Copper was able to arrive on its one-week high after the extensive downfall of the base metals. In trading copper within Asia has reached $269.90. However, investors speculate that Trump’s fiscal investment is almost $1trn which is expected to be the driving force for growth but will lessen the supplies considering the fact that China’s yuan hedging. In light of this, the bullish impetus gives rise for the demand of the trend-following fund as it was able to surge the buying pressure. Furthermore, the industrial metals sustained an upward lift amid the strengthening of the U.S dollar compared to other currencies.
Despite China’s procurement of copper as a hedge to overcome yuan devaluation, the data issued specified a positive growth in supply. There is also an expected rally in prices of other base metals in order to raise an opportunity to replenish short trading commodities.
November 28, 2016
Gold Recovers from Nine-Month Slump as USD Drops
Gold stocks were able to recover from its recent nine-month slump as the USD’s strength which sent gold prices down and pushed silver into a bearish market finally fizzled out. As gold finally clocked in its first increases in four days, its weekly loss was cut back by up to 2%, while prices have all but decreased following the release of highly positive economic data and expected increase in national spending after Trump’s recent win increased market expectations of added interest rates. As a result, a lot of investors are now selling off gold-backed investments, the fastest selloff seen in three years.
Las Palmas VIP Ticket Raffle 2016/17
ForexMart clients can now have a unique opportunity to get VIP tickets and watch games in Las Palmas for free!
ForexMart is pleased to announce that we will be giving away free VIP ticket passes to watch Union Deportiva Las Palmas play against the best European football teams to all of our active clients.
This raffle is open to all active ForexMart traders, and each client will immediately get ONE (1) entry to the ticket raffle. Winners of this particular raffle will be able to get a confirmation via their emails.
For more details with regards to this raffle giveaway, kindly visit ForexMart’s official raffle page.
If you do not have a trading account with us yet and want to join ForexMart’s VIP ticket raffle, you can sign up <here> now and have your account validated instantly! Sign up and get a chance to join and win awesome prizes from ForexMart!
December 5, 2016

Euro Drops, Bonds Surge as Italy Says No to Constitutional Reforms

The EUR plummeted along with Asian stocks while bond prices surged after the Italian government voted “No” on the referendum for constitutional reforms, which sparked concerns that this recent development in the country will induce instability in the Italian economy and boost nationalist organizations. The euro hit its lowest point in almost two years after Italian PM Renzi announced his resignation. UK-based stocks and Asian shares index futures also dropped, while government debt recoiled in Treasuries during Friday’s session.
December 7, 2016
GBP Hits Highest Level in Two Months as Market Hopes UK Government Loses Brexit Case
The sterling pound hit a two-month high after the UK Supreme Court recently concluded its second day of arguments with regards to discussing the right to commence the Brexit referendum, or the UK’s imminent separation from the EU. The GBP recorded its sixth day of increase against the USD, its second consecutive monthly gain since November. The UK government has already lost a Supreme Court case, which was about whether the Parliament should be first given the right to do a vote before the actual implementation of Theresa May’s Brexit strategies.
RBA interest rate decision remained at 1.5%
The central bank of Australia or also known as RBA has announced their final decision during the board meeting held every month. The Reserve Bank of Australia made a resolution to keep their rates unchanged with a record low reaching 1.50 percent.
According to a site whose purpose is to compare mortgage rates, have made a survey among 75 experts in the industry and most them expected that rates will still be consistent. Furthermore, they support the RBA’s decision as there is no reason to demand the bank to employ such changes. Many professionals from the industry anticipate that the next move of the Australian financial system will be on the upcoming February 2017.
Australia's Economy Weakened by 0.5% in Third Quarter 2016
The Australia’s economy declined more than the anticipated 0.5% in the month of September which is set to be the first recorded three months of low growth in the span of five years. The annual economic growth rate also declined from 3.3% to 1.8%

Global growth is also stagnant for this year and the labor market also weaker compared in 2015. An economist has stated that the economic growth was also dampen by the election campaign in the months of June and July that pulled the numbers to record highs brought by economic and political uncertainty. This has influenced the consumer and business activities although it has been forecasted that the the economy will regain in the last month of the year.
ForexMart at ShowFx World in Kiev
This coming December 17-18, 2016, ForexMart will be joining other exhibitors in the upcoming ShowFx World Exhibition to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Kiev, Ukraine. This particular event is dedicated to bridging the gaps between traders and brokers and will feature major brokerage firms and other prominent figures in the financial industry.
The ShowFx World Expo will give attendees the chance to attend various workshops and seminars spearheaded by some of the world’s top experts in the trading industry, learn the most effective personal finance managing tips from leading financial gurus, and win prizes from raffle draws and get giveaways from the organizers and participating firms.
Attendees to the said conference can also get the chance to get advice from participating brokers and learn more about the participants by getting introduced to their products and services, as well as their respective achievements. Admission to the ShowFx World Exhibition Kiev is absolutely for free.