Easiest things to learn about website design?


New member
What are the easiest things to learn about web design? What skills do you think you need and what software do you think you should be proficient in?

For beginners I would say:

HTML and CSS for coding.

Photoshop and Dreamweaver for programs

and lots of patience for skills.

As you advance you should pick up:


Adobe Illustrator

Learn how to configure servers and databases.

And a lot more patience.

What would you add to the list?
I myself is trying to learn web design and I thnk I am improving with my skills. For now I'm planing to buy a computer base training from lynda.com which is about web design like HTML and CSS. I do hope to learn more about Photoshop but I'm accustomed to GIMP so maybe I can just learn GIMP by reading and watcing youtube tutorials.
Well, everyone should start with understanding HTML, SQL and CSS.
And additional photoshop or any other editing software knowledge is always welcome to make your website more attractive.
The next step would be learning ASP and PHP i'd say.
You don't necessarily need to know MySQL inside out, just how to install scripts that require it and perhaps how to add and remove databases, data, and tables in something such as PhpMyAdmin (a front end for MySQL). Your web host will give you most of the information you need, and in many cases set all this up for you if you use one of their installers in their control panel.

The Lynda.com tutorials are great and you can find many of them for free on Youtube. Dreamweaver is a great tool not just for building web sites, but learning HTML. One of the challenges with learning it is remembering all the different tags. If you start out making your pages in the visual mode, you can jump over to the code view to see the corresponding code it's generating. Same thing when learning CSS.