Best e-commerce website for? If your mean is fashion website, they are; bonadrag...
If your mean is website for purchasing normal goods, they are amazon, eBay, Wallmart,...
In my opinion, the dominant ecommerce website must be Amazon, ranked the second position is Ebay, then Ikea, Walmart, Target,...responsively.
Amazingly, all of them are based in the USA which showed the undeniable ecommerce power of the American...
I agree with the majority, it is definitely amazon, Ebay, but in addition, you should pay attention to many other sites:Taobao,
Alipay, Alibaba, Rakuten, Flipkart, Etsy, Fiverr, Snapdeal.
There are many e-commerce platforms at where buyers and sellers can meet and can process purchases as well as sales. likewise:- eBay, Amazon, shopify, magento, alibaba, big commerce, rakuten and so on. but according to my knowledge you can get best and 100 percent satisfaction in eBay.