Do you wish to learn anything?


New member
Which language would you like to learn?

I personally would love to be a professional at C++ and Java. Currently, I'm learning HTML, and it's not going so well for me. I tend to forget things a lot, so I have to check back very often to see what I forgot. I want to learn HTML since I'm planning on building a website for the Minecraft server I play on, but it's going to be a while before that's done.
"Practice Makes Man Perfect"

Practice & work more so you will not forget the things.

I want to learn PHP language.
Learning any programming language requires time and dedication on your part.

There is no way to be dedicated if you don't want to do it. I'm sure there are workarounds, but there's simply nothing I can do to make myself learn HTML. It's a pretty complex language for a complete newbie like me. I will return in the future, but right now, it's not suitable for me.
I am trying to find out and learn how to create websites using the Object Oriented methods. I am into PHP for a few years now, but despite that, I am quite much unaware of how to develop a complete website using its Object Oriented ways. So that is something that I seriously plan to learn. Then there is some more of Ajax/jQuery that I do need to upgrade myself to like the jQuery UI.
I have been using block-code game engines such as Stencyl and GameSalad, which got me familiarized with coding logic. Now, I am trying to learn the correct words and input for Java on CodeAcademy. Next, I want to learn C++ and practice code on the Unity game engine.