Do you think aliens exist?

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While I don't specifically believe aliens exist, I believe there is something in the outer space, and we have yet to find it. They may be smarter, or may be a lot dumber, but time will tell. We will either encounter them in space in a specific planet, or they will land here on Earth.
To expand on my earlier post, I did read one article saying that even if we did find life out in the cosmos, it would be first likely be only a single-celled organism or bacterium. Inter-galactic life would have had millions of years of extra time ahead of us (due to slight change in time or speed/distance) so an actual "intelligent" being could easily be far ahead of us and detected us before we could have detected them.
Well, lets jsut say that I wouldn't be too surprised if ET ever visited us. The galaxy (as well as the universe) is simply way too big for just humans to inhabit. However, I bet one of the reasons they tend to stay away from us is because of what we see on the nightly news, and because of TV shows like Jackass.
Its pretty difficult to tell if they exist or not. It's definitely horrifying in both cases. Are we the only one in this whole system? Are there others with us? How intriguing this concept is? Just think about that for a second.
As you stated, we've explored our Universe, alone, yes, but there are a few questions to ask, if there are other civilizations, what if they're further than our current reach? Or maybe they're more advanced that us and have mastered cloaking technologies? (we're a bit close to that ourselves) Or maybe there are civilizations far away that have achieved only the same or less progress as humans and they've yet to explore outside of their solar system? There are a lot of questions, and I personally wouldn't believe an extra terrestrial life form exists without seeing it for myself, but hey, it's your beliefs, if there's but one thing free in this world, it's beliefs.

Well that's an interesting and unique viewpoint. So perhaps we are living with other aliens that are invisible to not only the naked eye, but also all of our current technologies. Or perhaps, as you've said, there are other beings out there on the other side of the galaxy that are around the same tech level as us. Ha, listen to me trying to explain this like it is a videogame...
I've seen stuff in the sky, things I can't explain, but my practical mind says no there aren't aliens. I like conspiracies though, and I kinda want to believe. Who knows...
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