Describe the relationship between the <header> and <h1> tags in HTML5.

Re: Describe the relationship between the <header> and <h1> tags in HTML5.

H1 is a typography heading and typically is used for your primary page heading, such as your page title.

The header element, however, is used to group content that would serve as the header of the site, for example, or the header of an article. You will often see header used as the masthead,
Re: Describe the relationship between the <header> and <h1> tags in HTML5.

Despite the long-time heavy focus on <h1> tags, they were never an element that operated in isolation, independent of the rest of the document. There is a reason behind the importance of careful heading tag placement in both the HTML5 and pre-HTML5 eras, and that is the generation of document outlines.
Re: Describe the relationship between the <header> and <h1> tags in HTML5.

H1 tag is very important tag for any website page beauce main head.
Re: Describe the relationship between the <header> and <h1> tags in HTML5.

H1 is your page heading used in Body. While Header is your html page head. Two different things on one html page.