CSS is a Must when learning HTML


New member
I think that it is a must to learn CSS as you learn HTML. I think it will be harder in the long run to learn one over the other. In order to make a quality website in today's age you must know both. I also believe that you must learn basic PHP if you plan on involving user input or having a contact form on your website
Most templates that you could download online actually has separate file of CSS. The style sheet is linked to the html file which makes it easier to edit an html page by just editing the css file. HTML files will just be easy to edit as well because it won't have something else in the file because th css codes are separated.

I mostly edit the template I download online adn this is how I get to gradually learn it.
Most templates that you could download online actually has separate file of CSS. The style sheet is linked to the html file which makes it easier to edit an html page by just editing the css file. HTML files will just be easy to edit as well because it won't have something else in the file because th css codes are separated.

I mostly edit the template I download online adn this is how I get to gradually learn it.

That is true but what I meant was that there is no point in learning HTML by itself as if you just have HTML code it will look terrible but if you learn CSS along with HTML then you can write the base code and make it look how you want.

I would never use inline styling, always use a separate CSS file. It will make it easier to edit and if you put notes in your code easier to find specific parts of your page.
There's not really one language to learn for creating web sites, there are several that each serve different purposes and function independently, hence the different names. I suppose like 15 or so years ago, when many sites were still static pages with limited functionality, and CSS wasn't widely supported across all browsers in a consistent manner, you could get by with just knowing HTML and some graphic skills. But today is entirely different.
There's not really one language to learn for creating web sites, there are several that each serve different purposes and function independently, hence the different names. I suppose like 15 or so years ago, when many sites were still static pages with limited functionality, and CSS wasn't widely supported across all browsers in a consistent manner, you could get by with just knowing HTML and some graphic skills. But today is entirely different.

That is a very good post. There isn't exactly 1 true, powerful coding language that does it all. Almost every site has several languages nowadays that are used in its creation.
I learned HTML years ago. CSS wasn't on the horizon at the time. If I was learning HTML now, I would also study CSS. I'm not really a programmer, but I would learn those two because my tweaking on website templates would be improved.
I'd go a step further and learn CSS before HTML. There are so many CMS platforms that generate pages automatically that you don't need basic HTML as much as you need the knowledge of style sheets and changing the visible features. Writing HTML from scratch is pretty much a dead prospect these days (though it's always good to understand the underlying code, of course). I'd definitely prioritise CSS.
I definitely think HTML and CSS should be learned together. Learning just CSS won't get you a functional website and while it's possible to create and style a website in just HTML, it's not the right thing to do.

Like Tara and OhioTom76 said, years ago CSS simply wasn't there. Back then, web developers were taught to use HTML to style their pages. Honestly, I think CSS should have been partnered with HTML since the very beginning. The two languages have a distinct function; HTML is there for semantics, CSS is there for presentation. If this distinction was obvious from the start, we wouldn't see those awful tags like <font> anymore.
html is proggraming language and css is a cascading style sheet. these are embedded style sheet in html and we download the templates on the internet and embeded in html very easily.................................
I think HTML5 and Css3 is necessary things for website. Now, i introduce to you and all people Magento Mobile Sale Tracking Pro

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For website creating there must be using HTML for the designing part of website, HTML5 is having all features and very new things like animation are there in it.. CSS language is the advanced for designing ,just like the animated terms and PHP is used for programming and back end working ,without it there will be nothing any Database creation.. these three languages are most important for the website creating full website.
This is very good post regarding HTML and CSS. I agree with When some learn about HTML then there is must to know about CSS resion behind this without CSS a HTML just look as text which run on web browser. CSS defines its property to evaluate a good looking and make HTML tag in good presentation to easily understand user.

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