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Bluetooth is A low power, short range wireless technology designed to provide a replacement for the serial cable. Operating in the 2.4GHz ISM band, it can connect a wide range of personal, professional and domestic devices such a laptop computers and mobile phones together wireless.
Yes and Bluetooth technology is usually used in mobile phones and the rate at which it can transmit data is usually low so Bluetooth is not recommended for transmitting large amounts of data.
Bluetooth is a good way to share files between mobile devices. I want to know whether Bluetooth causes any health problem as its radiation is considered as harmful.
Bluetooth is a good way to share files between mobile devices. I want to know whether Bluetooth causes any health problem as its radiation is considered as harmful.

Well, this is true, and I must have used Bluetooth to share files between mobile devices more than a thousand times. It can also be used to make a wireless network connection between a mobile device and a computer via personal area network. That is to make an internet connection. However, to your question, Bluetooth are considered harmful. And this is so because it uses pulsed radio frequency which are considered to be dangerous.
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Yes, bluetooth is one of the ways to transfer some low sized file from one device to another. I always use to transfer my files from my PC to my smartphone and vice versa.
I hate bluetooth, it just never seems to work for me! I remember when it first came out and it was great, you could send friends ringtones and pictures. Ever since then it just hasn't worked for me, on android and iphones there's always a problem and it won't connect, find or send the file!
Bluetooth technology is a great invention for mobile devices. Using Bluetooth it's very simple and easy to transfer songs, videos and other files between 2 devices. It has changed our experience with mobile phones.
Bluetooth is Most Important Technology in different Electronics Device. So we say which is important technology used for transmit data one device to another device but some disadvantage are Bluetooth Technology are for example large amount of data not transmit and data transmit in few distance. Not use in large distance
I think Bluetooth is very useful technology for the mobile sharing and connecting with other hardware devices. Now days now days Bluetooth is very widely used in the mobile and laptop. Because people prefer this wireless service. Now small Bluetooth devices are comes in the market and people take the advantages of the this technology. But some disadvantages of Bluetooth such as short range, not transfer large amount of Data.....
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I think bluetooth is good for connecting headsets and other things like that, remotes, controls etc, but not for sharing media!

True, bluetooth is good for all you mentioned. But, it's even better to for sharing media. Maybe you are doing something wrong. I use bluetooth to share data from mobile device - mobile device and mobile device to pc. And I really don't run into glitches. When I did, it was either my devices list was full or the visibility was off.
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Bluetooth is good way trasferring the data one device to another device. Bluetooth is rang good this is best way commicate the device of mobile and computer. Bluetooth is very important of the mobile. Every every person use the boothtooth service.
Blue Tooth is very important concept of mobile. Every Mobile company used the Bluetooth. Bluetooth sharing the data Each other . Bluetooth rang is so good and sharing the information one device to the another device.
One think about Bluetooth which i reckon many of you is unaware is that you can use your PC internet connection o your mobile which is called reverse tethering, its the most useful utility if you lack WiFi in your phone or you don't have WiFi connection available with you.

And of course data transfer is one of the most commonly used feature of the Bluetooth.
It's a useful technology, but I wish it weren't so buggy and cumbersome to use. That is why I never used those Bluetooth ear pieces for my cell phone, because by the time I fumbled around with them and got them to work, the person calling me would have hung up. My Bluetooth mouse and keyboard are convenient, but every time my computer crashes, it takes out my connection to them as well, and I have to keep fumbling around with my touch screen to get them synced up again.
Devices. A Bluetooth USB dongle with a 100 m range. Bluetooth exists in many products, such as telephones, tablets, media players, robotics systems, handheld, laptops and console gaming equipment, and some high definition headsets, modems, and watches. mostly uses for Bluetooth data transferring one mobile to another mobile.
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