Black hat SEO

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What do you guys think about Black Hat SEO?
Do you find it immoral and don't do it? Or do you prefer black hat methods?
Personally I do a lot of white hat and a little bit of "gray hat" but I haven't dipped into Black hat due to personal reasons.
I would never do it for a client site, or a personal site that I cared about and had long term plans for. But I do think it is important to keep up to date on it, and read what techniques are being used out there. I do like to test out some of the methods from time to time, if at least to gain a better understanding of what, if any, are actually working and what impact that will have for my own rankings.
I do it for my websites sometimes but its not something that i practice regularly because it can turn around and harm your website ranking in the end. I use it most of the time in conjunction with white techniques and it has paid off most of the times for me. The key is knowing what you should do, when to do it and when to stop.
Blackhat SEO works but you also need to remember that sooner or later Google and other search engines will catch up and you would have to start all over again. Whitehat SEO is great for long term projects while Blackhat and Grayhat SEO is mostly suitable for riding short term trends. If you got a killer blackhat method that is not illegal then I don't see why you shouldn't profit from it. I do no use much Blackhat SEO myself but I have seen people make an absolute killing by exploiting such methods.
It is a technique employed to increase the ranking of a particular website but in unethical manner. In simple words breaking and manipulating protocols of search engines in order to get desired results is called Black Hat SEO. Black hat SEO does not follow the criteria set by search engines. It may give you positive results in the beginning later there are fair chances that search engine will penalize your website.
What do you guys think about Black Hat SEO?
Do you find it immoral and don't do it? Or do you prefer black hat methods?
Personally I do a lot of white hat and a little bit of "gray hat" but I haven't dipped into Black hat due to personal reasons.

You don't do black-hat due personal reasons? I don't do it becoz search engine not like black-hat techniques to optimize the website.
Black-hat is a un-ethical seo techniques to ranked the website, techniques like cloaking, keywords stuffing, mouse trapping etc. People not use this techniques, becoz Search engine not likes this types of method to promote 0r ranked website. Not for any personal reason.
Black Hat seo is an seo techinigue to get a lot of traffic for you site and to rank the site in top of search engine results ,but it does not follow the rules and regulations of search engine and will be banned by google. All the companies who want to be there always in Google search engine does not use this technique.
Black Hat SEO refers to the use of the SEO techniques which are the rules and regulation of Google.

I always do white Hat SEO because using black hat SEO techniques for ranking higher in search engine results leads to spamming and also in some cases website gets banned by search engine.
Blackhat techniques are considered immoral by a lot of people, and you get penalized by Google if they find out you're doing any of the techniques. This could be buying ad clicks, buying traffic to your site, keyword stuffing, and I'm sure there are a few that Google doesn't know at the moment. There are high chances that Google will eventually figure out you're using any sort of blackhat method, and penalize you and your website, so I don't use any kind of black hat SEO.
Oh no no no! We don't make ay decision around here - It Big G who decides what is moral and immoral. If you get caught by Google bots using black hat techniques, you are doomed, but on the other hand, if you have found any loophole in the system that Google still hasn't ironed out, you are a holy saint.

I would reiterate that black hat SEO is not immoral as long as you are adept and know how to not get caught. We are here to make money in this business, haven't we?
Whitehat SEO is the normal use of the technology, do not advocate blackhat SEO, but it is also a technology. I saw some sites keywords duplicate but is no punished.
I touch a couple of grey hat stuff, but don't even bother with black hat techniques. Maybe in the short term it will boost your site, but if Google gets you, that will be it for your site!
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