Benefit of the PPC?

>Provides highly targeted website traffic
>Provide immediate results
>You are able to track conversions
>Attract Qualified Leads
PPC is the paid technique to increase ranking of your site and bring your website in top within few time. But results are only for the time for what we are paying when we stop paying results will also be nothing.
ppc means pay per click, it is very helpful for online marketing if you want to fast result in seo then you use this advertisement. it is paid services.
PPC enables you to create your ads, and put them online. You can get immediate internet exposure.
Take full control on cost per click (CPC), advertising budget, ad text, keywords, advertising period.
PPC providers allow you to set upper limits on your cost-per-click and total daily spend, meaning you only spend as much as you want.
Here are five reasons why PPC marketing is worthwhile:

You only pay when an interested person clicks. One of the reasons PPC is so straightforward is because you know exactly where your dollars are going, and you only pay when an interested party clicks on the ad. This is different than traditional advertising offline, where you spend X amount of dollars and hope your target market actually engages with the ad, but you never really know.
You set your budget to control costs. Speaking of budgets, with pay-per-click, you set the budget to your needs. You can put a cap on what you spend daily, and it’s flexible for you to change at any time. That doesn’t mean you can expect to see huge results with a limited budget, of course; it all depends on how competitive the keyword and industry are. (You can learn more about setting budget in Google AdWords, or check out a post I wrote on how much you should spend on PPC.)
You can reach your target consumer at the right time with the right ad. Want to target a person in a specific place at a specific time of day with a specific ad? No problem. With PPC’s location targeting and delivery options along with device-specific preferences (like mobile), you can deliver very specific messages to your target consumer at prime time when they are close by.
Unlike organic search, PPC can show results very quickly. We all know how important organic search traffic is for long-term website marketing; however, it has a longer cycle to prove ROI. PPC can show results fast. You can start a PPC campaign on Monday and literally start seeing results in terms of traffic and conversions the next day (depending on a variety of factors, obviously).
PPC data can inform your other marketing channels. Does your search engine optimization (SEO) team want to know if a particular keyword or set of keywords is converting well? PPC can tell them. You can also test the waters with new products or offerings using PPC in order to gauge demand and get an early look at its reception. You can even use PPC to promote oddball events or things that wouldn’t be appropriate for other forms of advertising. This article by Jim Yu also gives good information on how PPC can inform SEO in other ways.
It can fetch highly targeted web traffic.
You can maintain a record of the conversion.
The return on your marketing investment can be maximized.
You can increase the awareness of your brand.
Your websites’ local visibility increases.
The results obtained are faster than organic ways.
By setting the budget you can regulate the cost.
1) Speed-to-market – Unlike organic SEO, PPC ads can be launched quickly, bringing in targeted traffic and qualified leads to your website.

2) Reach– Additional traffic can be sent to your website, expanding your online visibility and helping you establish your company as a leader in your industry.

3) Highly-targeted website traffic–Assigning different ad copies for specific keywords and demographics can dramatically increase the quality of website traffic. PPC ads can be scheduled to run during the best sales periods and in specific geographic regions.

4) Testing Capabilities– PPC is a great way to provide low-risk testing for keywords, enabling you to determine if a full site optimization campaign is worthwhile. It’s also great for landing page A/B testing, allowing you to direct traffic to your choice of different pages of your site in order to find which pages convert at the highest rate.

5) Maximize the return on your marketing investment– Because you pay for PPC only when an ad is clicked, it’s easy to manage costs, track conversions, and determine your ROI. Cost-per-conversions are valuable when comparing your PPC campaign ROI against other marketing tactics.