Your company's phone number is a kind of business card, the face of the company. The number should be easy to remember by ear, just dialed, look good visually on the site, billboards or business card. A beautiful number will emphasize the unique image of your company, distinguish it from competitors.
Indisputable advantages of connecting a beautiful room:
Easy to understand: the original phone number with a simple, memorable set of numbers sets your business apart from a host of competitors.
Increases sales: up to 30% more calls are made to a beautiful number.
Effective advertising tool: A beautiful phone number participating in advertising campaigns in the media will work several times more efficient than a regular number.
Indicator of company image status: only successful companies are willing to spend money on the purchase of an individual number.
Long-term investment: the cost of a room is increasing every year, the annual price increase for a room is 20-30%.
An additional source of income: a beautiful, easy-to-remember number can be leased for various promotions, sales and other advertising companies.
Today very often different types of businesses use paid sms in their work. This is a fairly new way of earning, but already very popular. Allows you to create paid quizzes and polls. In this way, it is quite convenient to buy goods or services.
Paid SMS are carried out through a short number. It consists of three to four numbers and is easy to remember. Companies that provide these mobile services, assign the desired price to the number provided. For all mobile operators in the country, this price is the same. If the services or goods have different prices, then either a few short numbers are set, or one short number for everyone, but you need to send some specific text so that the system determines the cost