Backlinks Updating Issue in Webmaster Tools


New member
One of my websites is not ranked in Google searches. The website is 6 months older and I have created backlinks for my website. Last month when I saw my website is not ranked and also backlinks in webmaster tools were not updating from the start. It was showing the same number of backlinks for last 5 months. Then I delete the site from webmaster tools and re-enter it in my webmaster tools. Now it shows the updated number of backlinks. But again it is stuck to that number from one month or so. Is there any issue related to it that doesn’t let my website rank in search results not even in last page?
Why are you worried about the number of backlinks ? All the time that you spend on useless metrics such as how many backlinks you have, you could spend that time creating more quality content for your website.

If your website itself is not ranked then maybe it is time to look at the website itself and not the backlinks. Unlike what many preach backlinks are not the determining factor in rankings - Your website is!