Automatic Tweets

We have a website and i usually send the tweets on behalf of this website. I am going away for a business assignment for about a month and for this month would not have the time to manage and send tweets on twitter. I am just doing some research on the web for a solution of this problem but unable to decide as the service i found require me to give them my twitter account username and password. After i give them this information regarding twitter account they will obviously have full control on my twitter account.

Is it safe to do this sort of thing. Also if you know any good service that can help auto tweet then do recommend that as it would be a great help for me in deciding and selecting the service i will be going through.
Many websites offering automated tweet services

Their are about a half a dozen websites which i know does this automating the tweets tasks. There may be any other which i do not know. I tried one of them and it was good, the only problem i see is that all of them will be asking for your twitter account username and password and in case any of those get hacked so will your twitter account be compromised.
There are many websites that will allow you to preschedual tweets to be posted at times through your absence. A better choice in my opinion is, to have another member of the staff run the Twitter for the time that you are away. That would be better because instead of preschedualed tweets with outdated information, new up-to date updates on the website can still be regularly posted.