Android vs iOS ? Which do you prefer ?

I choose android
Price from affordable to luxury
Good source
Google Play Store app store massive
Easy to use
Hi Folks,

I thought it would be interesting to ask the community here about their mobile OS preferences. Both Andriod and iOS have their strengths and weaknesses. Which do you prefer and why ?


- Android:
Strengths- Completely open source and all APIs readily available, huge market of apps, best hardware selection.
Weaknesses- Ugly and laggy user interface due to no hardware accelerated UI, OEM's additions to the UI generally suck, able to get viruses, terrible fragmentation, worst update process ever.
Strengths- Best supported OS and devices on the market to date, fluid UI, best market, always nice devices, best update process imaginable, Netflix.
Weaknesses- Hideous UI, severe hardware limitations, not as open as android
I like IOS
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