Anchor Text?


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Anchor Text – Text that is linked to a web page. This text is often a different color than the rest of the copy on a website and is commonly underlined, or purple if you’ve visited the link in the past. Anchor text helps search engines understand what the destination page is about; it describes what you will see if you click through.
Anchor text is the text used to describe a link when turning it into a hyperlink using HTML or XHTML coding. For example, if a web page had a link which the web page creator wishes to hide under text, the HTML code will turn a word or a phrase into anchor text, and that will work just like a normal link would. Anchor text is a valuable search engine optimization tool because the word or phrase used in anchor texts can pertain directly to the landing page content, or be one of the major keywords that the web page is trying to rank for. Anchor text is also heavily weighted in search engine algorithms, as algorithms look for the most relevant results for a search query and anchor texts are frequently relevant to the content of the landing page.
Anchor text is the text used to describe a link when turning it into a hyperlink using HTML or XHTML coding. For example, if a web page had a link which the web page creator wishes to hide under text, the HTML code will turn a word or a phrase into anchor text, and that will work just like a normal link would. Anchor text is a valuable search engine optimization tool because the word or phrase used in anchor texts can pertain directly to the landing page content, or be one of the major keywords that the web page is trying to rank for. Anchor text is also heavily weighted in search engine algorithms, as algorithms look for the most relevant results for a search query and anchor texts are frequently relevant to the content of the landing page.
Yo have nailed it. I don't need to add anyhting else here. It's a perfect definition of Anchor Texts.
Anchor text is the clickable text in a*hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text. The blue, underlined anchor text is the most common as it is the web standard, although it is possible to change the color and underlining through html code. Anchor texts are one of the many signals search engines use to determine the topic of a web page, and can direct to an internal or external web page.
The visible text on a Web page that you click for the hyperlink. Anchor text is an important element of SEO .

Example: < a href="/" >This is the anchor text < /a>
anchor text is alternate texts correlated with an image that an image that is displayed when a site visitor hovers the mouse over the image.
>It reveals what the image is for or about
The anchor text is also known as the link label or link title. The words contained in the anchor text help determine the ranking that the page will receive by search engines such as Google or Yahoo and Bing. Links without anchor text commonly happen on the web and are called naked URLs, or URL anchor texts. Different browsers will display anchor text differently, and proper use of anchor text can help the page linked to rank for those keywords in search engines.
You have tell all the important points related to anchor text, you have used very understanding words or I can say its in layman language to understand,. Thankx for information.
Anchor text is the text used to describe a link when turning it into a hyperlink using HTML or XHTML coding. For example, if a web page had a link which the web page creator wishes to hide under text, the HTML code will turn a word or a phrase into anchor text, and that will work just like a normal link would. Anchor text is a valuable search engine optimization tool because the word or phrase used in anchor texts can pertain directly to the landing page content, or be one of the major keywords that the web page is trying to rank for. Anchor text is also heavily weighted in search engine algorithms, as algorithms look for the most relevant results for a search query and anchor texts are frequently relevant to the content of the landing page.
Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text.
Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. SEO best practices dictate that anchor text be relevant to the page you're linking to, rather than generic text.