Affiliate Marketing Techniques


New member
What are the techniques you use for promoting your Affiliate links?
I am mostly used forum commenting and Blog Commenting technique to promote affiliate links?
Share your techniques please.
I think the most effective way is by making videos in bulks, trim the video down so Youtube won't detect duplicates, and then upload them numerous times on different accounts and in many sites similar to Youtube. In the description, you would post the affiliate link. I guarantee you that will earn you something if you manage to rank in the search results when people search for the keyword.
I mainly use content sites and email marketing to promote affiliate products. Forum commenting with affiliate links will end up getting you banned as a spammer at many forums. I wouldn't use blog commenting for this, either, or at least, not very often. I know that on my own blogs, I don't approve most comments that include an affiliate link. In fact, I think I've only approved one like that ever.
I think the most effective way is by making videos in bulks, trim the video down so Youtube won't detect duplicates, and then upload them numerous times on different accounts and in many sites similar to Youtube. In the description, you would post the affiliate link. I guarantee you that will earn you something if you manage to rank in the search results when people search for the keyword.

Hi Ozadin! Thanks for sharing a wonderful tip.
Can you share some example video links? So then i can understand it more clearly.
I also use PPC and so far everything is doing well. I am doing PPC for more than 4 years, but I always learn new things and develop better strategies.
If you have any questions, just drop me message and I will be happy to help!
5 most effective affiliate marketing techniques are:-

1. Screen Affiliate Networks
2. Cultivate Relationships
3. Coupons and Free Shipping
4. Product reviews
5. Offline Affiliates
Affiliate marketing is that it is a way of making money online whereby you as a publisher are rewarded for helping a business by promoting their product, service or site. Affiliate marketing isn’t the only way to make money from blogs and it won’t suit every blog/blogger but there are a few reasons why it can be profitable in our medium.
I prefer making the video marketing for affiliate marketing because it's really worthy for the affiliate products, most of the user get attracted to it.
I think the most effective way is:

1. Use your affiliate link in your email signature

2. Advertise your affiliate link on PPC (pay per click ) search engines

3. Share your link on Facebook and Twitter

4. Advertise your affiliate link in newsletters and other media
I then use the social network and email marketing :)