
The main advantage of shopping cart is that you can keep track of items you have shopped from a particular online store or website.
There are tons of Advantages of Online Shopping, here are a few of them

Advantages of Online Shopping:
  1. 100% Sales Tax Collection (Great for Developing nations)
  2. 100% Income tax (as you cannot hide your online purchase)
  3. Banking sectors will develop rapidly
  4. Ease of access
  5. Affordable Prices (Universally local concept)
  6. Multiple options to choose from
  7. Saves Time
  8. Less Stress
  9. Good for SEOs and Web Designers ( :cheerful: )
Save time, money and energy. Sometimes you just don't want to go out, then shopping online and wait someone show up and send the things you buy. Haha, really great! But also with disadvantages: you need to keep your shopping traces from others and hide purchase history!You can download a privacy protection app to hide your purchase history!
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